Chapter 2

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Mal and Carlos had gotten ready for the party, but Mal had no intentions of going to the party to have fun, she had a plan ready and in place, all that was left was to tell Carlos.

"Carlos, I have a plan for this party." She told him as she turned and looked back at him.

"What is it?" Carlos asked as he threw on his jacket looking at her.

"Its simple, tonight when we are at the party we scout the ship, look for any hidden entrances into her ship because I can guarantee that all of her plans for the Isle are inside it, if we can get in there and get to her plans we could be a step ahead of her." Mal stated. "Now I know we can't get in during the party considering she will probably have guards all over the place but we have phones, and any entrance we can find we need to take a photo of so we can plan to break in." She told him as she walked up to him.

"Alright, that works for me." Carlos said as he looked at her. "Ready to go?" He asks.

"Yeah I am." Mal said as she threw her jacket on then handed Carlos his phone. "Here babe, you're gonna need this." She said.

Carlos took it then put in his pocket. "Alright thanks." He said.

Mal smiled then headed for the door but then Carlos' phone rang. "Who's that?" She asked.

Carlos grabbed his phone and looked and saw it was Audrey, now Mal and Audrey haven't been on the best of terms since the Coronation and he knew that so he knew how to respond.

"It's Ben." Carlos said. "You head out, I'll be there in a few minutes." He said.

"Alright babe." Mal said as she walked out.

Once the door was shut Carlos answered. "Hey Audrey, what's up?" He asked.

"Hey Carlos, I went by your dorm to talk to you and saw you weren't there, and I got kinda worried." She said.

"Oh, yeah sorry about that Audrey, Mal and I kinda rushed out." He told her. "I would have told you but it was a last minute decision." He said.

"Well where are you?" She asked.

"Back at the Isle." He told her as he sat on the couch.

"Well, can I come by? I kinda need to talk to you about something Carlos." She said.

"No please don't, its too risky for you to be here Audrey." He said quickly.

"But its really important." Audrey said.

"How about this? As soon as we get back I'll go and talk to you." He told her.

"I guess that's fine." She said softly. "Talk to you later Carlos." She said.

"Talk to you later." Carlos said before hanging up the phone and heading outside seeing Mal.

"Alright ready for the party?" Mal asked as she looked at him.

"Yeah of course, are you?" Carlos asked.

"Damn right, lets get going." Mal said. "Also, what did Ben want?" She asked.

"Oh nothing much, just wanted to make sure we were alright." Carlos said as he started to walk with Mal to the party.

"Alright." Mal said as she walked with her boyfriend.

After a few minutes Mal and Carlos arrived at Uma's ship and immediately forced themselves to the front of the group and began to look around, Mal motioned to Carlos to go left and she will go right so just like that the two split.

 Mal had immediately headed behind the ship and started to look around, she was looking for anything and everything, oddly enough there were no guards to be seen in the area so it was free game for her to look around. She was simply looking for any secret entrances and hidden passageways into Uma's ship.

As Mal was looking Harry came out of the shadows with a smirk. "Well, well, well." He said smirking. "Look who it is, little Mally." He said looking at her. "On her own this time, no dog boy around." He pointed out.

"What do you want Harry?" Mal asked as she looked at the young pirate.

"The real question is Mally, what do you want that involves you being behind this ship?" Harry asked looking at her.

"None of your buisness Hooky." Mal said looking at him.

Harry then smirked and walked up to Mal and pulled her close. "You want me, don't you?" He asked with a smirk. "That's the reak reason you didn't stop me before, what do you say we go for a round two?" He asked with an evil smirk.

Mal looked at Harry. "Harry no, leave me alone." She said. "This isn't you." She told him.

Harry laughed then backed off. "Yeah like I'd fuck you right here and now." He said with a smirk before turning around and walking off.

"Harry wait!" Mal said. "Before you go, answer this question please." She said as she looked at him. "When the border was built by my mother cause of your father, why did it take you over a year to go across it and come see me? We were best friends, you meant the world to me." She stated as she looked at him.

Harry sighed as he turned around and looked at Mal. "Because." He said softly as he walked up to her. "My focus was helping Uma build up our side of the Isle, to help Uma make sure everyone was getting fed, and everyone was taken care of, but now that I've answered your question how about you answer mine, why are you with dog boy?" He asked.

Mal looked at him directly in the eyes. "Because he means the world to me, hes there for me when I need him, he cares about me, he loves me, he treats me like a fuckin' Queen, so theres your answer." She said as she looked deep in his eyes.

Harry just simply nodded then turned back around on his heel and walked away from Mal.

Meanwhile Carlos had finished getting all the photos he needed, and now he was just waiting for Mal to finish. But as he was waiting his phone began to ring and once again it was Audrey, he looked around then answered.

"Hey." He said softly. "What's up?" He asked.

"Look, I know you don't want me at the Isle and I understand that, but Carlos I don't know how long it'll be until your back so can I say what I need to say now?" She asked softly.

Carlos took a deep breath then let it out. "Go ahead." He said softly.

"Okay so look, I know you're with Mal and nothing in the world is gonna change that and I respect that, but you need to know I honestly have missed being yours, the way you'd hold me, the way you'd kiss me, the way you kept me positive and I know we weren't together for the longest time but the way you treated me was better then anyone else had ever treated me, hell even now ever since the Coronation you've remained my friend and been there for me, you were there for me when nobody showed up at my birthday, you were there for me when my grandmother passed away, you've always been there for me and I love you for that, and I want you to always remember that." She said sounding like she was about to break down.

Carlos had listened to every word Audrey said and he actually had some tears coming out of his eyes as he had felt bad for her.

"Look as a friend, I love you too, but only as a friend and I will continue to be there for you but look I gotta go, Mal and I are suppose to meet up and you know she doesn't know we are still friends so I'll talk to you later okay?" He said as he closed his eyes for a moment.

"Yeah, talk to you later." Audrey responded softly as she hung up.

Carlos sighed then walked off as he slid his phone back in his pocket.

"Well, well, well, keeping secrets now are we? This could be interesting."

A/N Possible drama coming ahead? Maybe, anyways thoughts?

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