Chapter 28

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Mal was in the hideout with everyone else and she was standing up at the front of the room with everyone else sitting in front of her on the couches and chairs.

"Alright, look, the war is coming soon and well we need to plan everything out." Mal said looking at them. "There's six of us here, no matter what though Uma has the numbers advantage, however we will not lose no matter what." She said sternly. "We are tougher, and we are smarter then Uma ever has been and ever will be!" She said.

"Okay, well what's the plan Mal?" Jay asked as he looked at her.

"I'll go in on my own first, Uma will talk her shit and then I'll say I'm not alone and slowly you guys will all come up behind me and stand by my side." She said.

"No, that's too dangerous, there's no promises that Uma won't just shoot you, I'm going up with you." Carlos said.

"Carlos don't worry about me, I took an insanely rough beating from Gil and I'm still standing strong, so I can handle Uma, especially if she goes for her gun, I can move quick and take her down." She told him.

"Still, Uma has a bunch of men, any one of them could shot you, I'm going up with you." The son of Cruella said.

"Don't be an argumentative puppy, this is the plan whether you like it or not." Mal with a serious tone looking into Carlos' eyes.

Carlos let out a sigh as he looked at Mal. "Fine." He said.

"Good boy, now we don't have a lot of weapons to use, but that doesn't matter because well, I had Evie sneak over to Dizzy's home and get some stuff to make smoke bombs, so we will be able to distract the other pirates while we take them all down." She said. "Any questions?" She asked but got no response. "Good, now all of us need to start preparing, go do what you need to do." She said.

Everyone nodded then got up, Carlos went over to Mal and looked at her. "You sure this plan is going to work?" He asked.

"Yes I'm sure, this is how we are gonna take down Uma." She said.

"But what if Uma ends up killing you when you're on your own against her?" Carlos asked.

"She won't, don't worry babe." Mal said as she went and kissed his cheek.

"I hope we take her down though." Carlos said softly as he looked at her.

"Trust me, we will no matter what." Mal said softly as she kissed Carlos' lips.

-Later That Day-

Carlos was outside on the roof thinking, he needed time on his own, time to think about everything that's going to happen when the war happens, but that wasn't all he was thinking about, he was also worried that he will lose Mal, and not because of Uma. He was worried that Harry will take Mal away from him, all because he sees how close they are becoming again, he's worried Mal is falling in love with him.

He then sat down and looked around, he looked directly at Auaradon. Auradon was a place he swore he'd never go to, then he got forced to be there, then he swore he would never leave, then he left to save his home, now he swears on his life that he will save the Isle and hopefully Mal and him will make the Isle a better place with Auradon's help.

As he was sitting up there Jay climbed up the ladder and saw his best friend then walked over and sat beside him. "Hey man." He said.

Carlos looked over and saw Jay then looked forward again. " Hey, can I ask you a question?" He asked.

"Yeah man, what's up?" Jay questioned.

"Do you think Harry is going to take Mal away from me?" The young boy asked.

"I'm sure he will try, but I'm also sure she will tell him to go fuck himself, you know her heart belongs to you man." Jay said looking at him.

"Hopefully you're right, I mean I know love is dangerous, and no matter how strong a relationship is, keeping the love uou had since the beginning is fucking hard to do." He said softly then sighed.

"What are you talking about man?" Jay asked.

Carlos sighed and looked at him. "My feelings for Mal have been going away lately...they have been for at least a week now and I don't know what's going on.." He said softly.

"Holy shit man..." Jay said looking at Carlos. "Do you think it's cause of Audrey?" He asked.

"I don't know, maybe..I mean Audrey and I's relationship even though it was short was fun, but the thing is I don't have those feelings for her anymore, and I do still love Mal." He said looking at Jay.

"Well...we need to figure out what to do." The young thief said as he was shocked.

"Maybe after the war..." Carlos began to say.

"You end it." Jay said slowly as he wasn't sure.

"If my love keeps dying...I will." Carlos replied softly.

"Let's focus on the war.." Jay said as he began to get up.

Carlos nodded then got up and looked at the ground from the rooftop, he then walked right up to the edge and looked down.

"Carlos, man what are you thinking?" Jay asked as he watched Carlos go to the edge.

"What's the point of living if I'm going to die in war anyways?.." Carlos questioned softly.

Jay quickly ran over and grabbed Carlos. "Man, whatever you're thinking don't do it." He said.

Carlos turned and looked at Jay. "Why? What's the point in anything anymore?" He asked.

"What's going on with you man?" Jay asked. "This isn't you." He said.

"I'm fine Jay." Carlos said then moved from the ledge and headed to the ladder.

"I hope you're being honest." Jay replied.

A/N What's going on with Carlos? Thoughts?

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