Chapter 3

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Danny was not one who tends to exaggerate. So, when Danny says that the car ride to Mr. Wayne's house was excruciating, he meant it was literal torture. No one said a word the entire time. It was so awkward! Then again, Danny wasn't really in the mood to talk anyway. If someone had tried to hold a conversation with him, he probably would have just gotten annoyed. So, he guessed that the silence wasn't too bad after all.

Danny became very confused when the car stopped in front of a huge mansion-like building. Danny finally spoke. "Where are we?"

Dick answered him, "We're home." He looked at him confused. "Wayne Manor."

"Manor?" Danny asked very confused at this point.

"Yeah," Dick answered as if it was obvious. "Where did you think you would be staying when they told you that you would be living with Bruce Wayne?"

Danny shrugged, "I had never heard of him before. I only learned about him when the social worker said that's where I would be living."

Now it was Dick's turn to be shocked. "You've never heard of Bruce Wayne?! Or Wayne Industries?!"

Danny shook his head, "Amity Park is kind of out in the middle of nowhere... we don't really get much news from the outside world. Why?" he looked over at Bruce. "Are you famous?"

He chuckled a little. "You could say that. Now come on, let's go inside."

Once again, Danny insisted on carrying his own bags. When Bruce opened the front door, Danny didn't know what to say. This place was huge.

"Let me show you to your room." Bruce and Dick walked up the stairs while Danny followed close behind. "This is your room." Bruce pointed to a door. "Dick's room is to your left, and my room is the one after." Bruce opened the door and showed him inside. Danny was in awe of all of this, but he really didn't show it. He wasn't quite in the mood.

"There's a bathroom through that door." Dick pointed to a room in the corner. "Then, if you open up those glass doors, there's a balcony outside." Danny nodded silently and Dick looked disheartened.

Bruce laid a hand on his shoulder. "Dick and I will leave you to unpack. We'll be downstairs if you need anything. Dinner will be served in an hour."

"Actually," Danny looked up "I'm um... I'm not very hungry... I ... is it alright if I just..."

Bruce gave him a soft smile. "Of course, Daniel. We can give you a full tour of the house tomorrow. You've had a long day, just relax."

Danny nodded. "Thanks, and uh... I prefer Danny if you don't mind." Being called Daniel reminded him of Vlad. Which of course, reminded him of the incident. Danny would have loved to fly straight to the jerk's front door, and punch his face in, but then he wouldn't learn what he was planning. If Danny failed and couldn't beat him, he would have no idea what Vlad was going to do. No, he needed to wait and find out more.

Bruce smiled again, "Of course, Danny. See you in the morning." With that, the two walked out of the room. Closing the door behind them.

Danny sighed and laid down on his bed. So, this is where he will be living for the next three years. Once he turned 18, he promised to return to Amity Park. Just because he was gone, that didn't mean that the ghosts would stop appearing. He had to protect the town. But for now, all he could do was wait.

Danny stood up and started unpacking his clothes. He hadn't been completely honest when he told Bruce that he wasn't hungry. Ever since he had partially died, he didn't need to eat, breathe, and sleep as much as normal humans. One small meal a day was good enough for him, anything more and he would start feeling sick. This also meant that he had to fake his breathing. When he wasn't thinking about it, he would only breathe maybe once every two minutes. He also only needed about three hours of sleep, but he didn't mind getting a bit extra.

Danny put the last set of jeans in the dresser. He now moved on to the other bag. He would need to find a safe place to hide his weapons. He looked around the room. He glanced up at the ceiling and got an idea. He slowly floated upwards and turned himself intangible. He poked his head through the ceiling of his room.

As he had hoped, there were several layers of insulation before you reached the room above his. He turned the bag intangible and hid it in the insulation. No one could ever find it here. Unless they had x-ray vision of course. But last time he checked he wasn't living inside of a comic book.

With his unpacking done, Danny laid back on the bed. Well, now all he had to do now was lay low. He knew he could never tell them his secret. He couldn't risk putting them in danger because of what he is. Sure, the GIW might be publicly disbanded, but that didn't mean they might not have more hidden facilities. Not to mention, Vlad had apparently sold him out. Just thinking about that man, made Danny's blood boil. It was because of him his entire life was ruined. And he had the audacity to offer to take him in. Danny swore to get to the bottom of this. But, not tonight. For now, he just wanted to sleep.

(A/N - Hey guys! Thanks for reading. I really hope you are liking the story so far. Remember, stay whelmed and go ghost!)

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