-Chapter 13-

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-Monday Morning-

Chris sat in his English classroom, staring over at the door as he waited for Precious to walk in. It was ten minutes before class and he was getting worried each second as he wondered where she was.

He needed answers. They had the most romantic and passionate time of their lives on Friday night, but despite that she had gone out of her way to avoid him and ignore all of his missed calls. It made him furious, but it hurt him more as he wondered why. He had never fought so hard to be with somebody in his life, but each second that he went without seeing her or hearing from her drove him completely insane. He thought his feelings for her were clear, he had showed her how much she meant to him and how much he cared for her, but he began to think maybe it wasn't enough.

He lowered his head and rubbed his eyes frustratingly. Moments later, he heard the door slowly push open and he lifted his head up to see Precious walking in. She wore a large denim jacket and a black skirt and her braids were tied back into a low ponytail.

Chris quickly sat up straight in his seat as he watched her clutch onto her books in her arms with her head lowered as she made her way towards the back. She avoided his gaze as she slowly took her seat in-front of him, which only made him more angry.

"Precious" he leaned forward, calling her name, but she continued facing forward ignoring him.

He called her name again and when she didn't answer, he cursed under his breath before shooting up from his seat. He grabbed hold of her hand, forcing her up from his seat before pulling her towards the door as everybody in class watched on.

He lead her down the hallway and towards the back of the school where he knew no one would be as everybody was in class. Once they arrived under the big oak tree, he stopped to breathe out a deep sigh, before turning around to face Precious, who shifted her eyes elsewhere. It hurt that she couldn't even look at him.

"What the fuck is going on? He questioned impatiently, gazing down at her. "I called you so many times but you didn't bother to pick up? Why are you avoiding me?".

Precious lowered her head, unable to look into his eyes. She turned around to run away but before she could take a step, Chris quickly caught hold of her.

"P-Please let me go, Chris" she stuttered, trying to struggle out of his tight grip".

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about Friday. I told you it was the best night of my life. You're the best thing to ever fucking happen to me, Precious. It fucks with my head how much you make me feel and how much I care about you. I wanna be with you, don't you want that to-

"I can't be with you" Precious uttered, quickly cutting him off as silence filled the air.

Chris paused and looked elsewhere. It felt like his heart was slowly being ripped in half. He ran his hands threw his hair and took a deep breath before glancing back down at her.

"What did I do wrong? I'll do anything to make up for it... just come back to me" he muttered quietly, slowly taking her hand in his.

Precious glanced down at their hands, before looking up to finally look into his eyes. They held eye contact for a brief while and it took all the strength in her to look away even though it killed her to.

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