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Its been a tiring day but I want to see my boyfriend, Jackson. Today is our Anniversary but Im busy at the gallery so we werent get a chance to have a lunch earlier so Im thinking to surprise him for a dinner.

When I got inside the taxi I grabbed my phone and texted Jackson.


"Hey babe? Are you at home?"

I got a reply after 10 minutes.

J: Yes. Sorry I just finished taking a bath.

"Dont be sorry, its fine. Anyways, are you planning to go out tonight?"

J: No, I dont have any plans. Why did you ask?

"Just asking. So you'll just stay at home?"

J: Yes. Why?


I put my phone down and I asked the driver if we can stopped by in the nearest restaurant at Jackson's house.


"Im sorry but can you wait for me. Ill pay you for staying." I told the driver. He looks like a kind person so I feel comfortable asking for favor.

"No need to worry maam. Ill stay here until you finished ordering." He answered me while smiling.

I got out from the car and about to enter the restaurant when I realized I forgot my phone. So I walk back at the taxi.

"Done too soon maam?" He asked. Confusion written all over his face.

"No I just forgot my phone." I answer with a smile and he nodded.

I reached for my phone and about to close the door when I heard a familiar voice.

I turned around and to my surprise its him. He's holding hands with a lady which I never seen before.

He's supposed to be at home. What is he doing here?

Maybe its all my imagination but then I looked at my phone and dial his number. He answered after 4 rings.

I watched the guy who also answered his phone. He's still holding the lady's hands.


J: Oh he-hey? Wh-why did you ca-call?

"Where are you?"

J: Didnt I told you earlier at the text?

"I said, WHERE ARE YOU?!"

J: Hey, lets talk again later. I dont want to pick a fight right now.


He ended the call. I just watched the guy put his phone at his pocket.

I walked towards him and stopped infront of him.

J: What the h——- Chaeyoung?! What are you doing here??

He looked at me full of shocked. Finally he broke his hand with her.

J: Let me explain Chaeng.

I didnt talk, the anger just come to me and all of a sudden I kick him at his balls. He growl that made the people around gather and watch whats happening. I looked at the lady who's as shocked as Jackson.

"Happy anniversary!" I said then throw our engagement ring to his face.

I turned around and I can hear Jackson begging for me to stop so he can explain, but I didnt do what he wants. I go back to the taxi and just left the two of them encircled by spectators.


I watched the woman kick Jackson's balls. She looks really angry but I found it hot. But still, I was shocked because of the commotion. I look at Jackson who's rolling at the floor and when I turn my eyes to the woman, she just got in at the taxi.

Afterwards I realized that people are watching us and I feel embarassed. How am I supposed to help a guy who just got kicked at his balls by a woman?

I will take a revenge from this embarassment!!!

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