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I waited for Dahyun at my apartment. You might asked how did we met. I known Dahyun for 5 years.

-> Flashback 5 years ago <-

I was at the park trying to sketch the whole scene at the park. When a I felt someone sat next to me.

WOW! You can draw!

"Oh sht!" I jolted.

Oh, Im sorry I didnt mean to scare you. Im just amazed that I just watched someone who can draw whats infront of her. And thats beautiful.

"Oh yeah? Thank you." I said while scratching my neck.

Are you an artist?

"Not really. I work as a front desk at xxx gallery." I confessed.

You have a talented hands. Use it. Post your pieces at that gallery.

I chuckled then laughed.

Why? Do I look funny?

"Its not that Im laughing at you but what you said is funny."

Is that so? Enlighten me.

"I dont own that gallery. Im just an employee. My work is to sell those painting that arent mine, not to sell my own work."

So you're saying that if you have your own gallery, you will post your pieces?

I nodded my head.

"But thats impossible. I mean building a gallery is not a joke it cost a millions and beside no one will going to buy an art who's the artist is unknown."

I saw her nodding she agreed with me. I put my pencil down and sighed.

What if I asked you to work for me and when my gallery became known I will asked you to post your painting, will you accept that?

She look at me in a straight face.

"Yeah sure." I accept knowing that she's playing with me. Sooner she stand up and walked infront of me and stopped. She reached her hand and said.

So, we already had a deal. Im Kim Dahyun and Im your new boss. Whats your name?

-> End of flashback <-

A hand snapped me back to reality as it waves infront of my face.

D: Dozing right now bro?

I shook my head and smile.

D: What happen to you earlier? Why do you want me to come here?

When Im with Dahyun, I always said things straight to her face as if theres nothing to be embarrassed but when I remember what happened earlier I cant look straight to her eyes anymore.

D: Whats wrong bro? You never been that shy to me, not once.

I look at her and asked.

"Do I look like shy?"

D: No, you look flustered. Whats going on on that mind of yours?

I sighed first. Im ready.

"Remember what I told you about Jackson?"

D: Dont tell me you get back together?! Our friendship is now over Chaeng.

She stand up and I rolled my eyes.

"Stay still bro. We're not back. Cool down."

She look at me and sat down.

D: So what is it right now?

"A lady called me earlier and asked me to meet her. I come to the cafe not knowing who is she. As I roamed my eyes at the cafe I saw the same lady with Jackson from that night. I sat across her."

D: Why did she called you?

"For two things.—-" I stated.

"First was she asked me not to go back with Jackson."

D: I know what she did to you. But I agree with her. Let her have him, a cheater is always a cheater. And the last one?

"The last one is —— revenge." I said in whisper.

D: So she got the guts to revenge even at the first place she's the one who did something bad to you!

"She told me that I made her embarrassed infront of a lot of people so I deserve to feel the same."

D: OMG! What did she did to you?! Did she spilled some drinks at you?

"No—-" I said shyly.

D: So tell me. What did she do?


D: She what?

"Infront of many guests at the cafe. —" I sighed. "—She kissed me almost at my lips"

I Love You, Love You, Hate, Foolish.... Crazy LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora