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Im sitting at Somi's lap and I dont mind it really. I mean she's also my bestfriend so its fine.

I was busy talking with my friends, catching up with their lives.

When I heard some boys outside at the pool. They are yelling and I can hear loud whistles even the music is on high volume. Wow!! He has a lot of air inside his body.

I look back to my friends to listen again but Somi interrupt.

"Hey girls! Look!" She pointed out at the pool side, then my gaze follows.

I saw a lady walking towards the pool. She's wearing a 2-piece red bikini. Hot badass! It complement her skin tone. Plus the curves, she steps lighty at the ground that she looks like a feather. She stops at the pool side looking at the boys. Checking out her curves, hmmmm! Her back facing us so I admit that Im a little bit disappointed not to see her facade.

"Wow! Im straight but she's hot!" Momo scream looking at the lady. I unconsciously smirked. Looks like Somi saw me.

"You agreed huh?" She whisper.

"Dont be silly." Well I need to wash my hand from her statement! Plus I wanted to tell her that Im dating someone but I cant announce it. Not yet, Im still not sure about the situation.

The girls turn back their heads when the lady jumped at the pool.

I shouldnt look at that lady that way. Its like Im having a sin to Mina. I mean nobody want that kind of situation right? Im dating her so I should not look to others. Even we're not together I dont want to cheat in any kind of way. I think Ill apologize and tell her what I did. Should I?

Speaking of Mina, I turn my head to my brother's group. They are not there anymore plus Mina. I stand up from Somi's lap which she protest.

"Where are you going?" She asked. My friends are also looking at me.

"Excuse me for a minute. I need to look for someone." I said in hurry before leaving them.

I didnt bother myself to go to the other side where they stayed earlier. I decided to go at the pool side to check if she's there.

I look at the pool, its clear. No Mina which I sigh as a relief. But turning my head at the chair near the pool, I saw Mina's robe. I mean, thats my mother's but she lend it to Mina. I took it and now Im panicking.

"God Mina!! Where are you?!" I growl as I put the robe back to the seat. I take my time to calm down. I wont do the same mistake today. "Inhale-----Exhale----Inhale-----Exhale" After I calm down, I roam my eyes at the pool side. Looking at the people drinking, talking and kissing. Why does my brother invite these unknown people here?

After taking a look Im satisfied that I didnt see her drinking. Then my eyes landed to two person linked together. Well I guess Id rather see her drinking than seeing Mark getting close to her face!

I met my brother's eyes and I know that he knows what Im thinking. So I jump to the pool. Mark is a tall guy, but he cant swim which is sucks on his part. Im shorter yet, I didnt let the pool feet to make me feel Im weak. I love diving! I paddle my hand as fast as I can then in just a matter of time I took Mark's arm around Mina then wrapped my arms around him then bring him down to the deep of the water. He look shock from the sudden action when he saw me. I didnt plan on killing him so I decided just to bring him around the 16 feet of the water. I know my brother will take care of him.

As soon as I felt that Im running out of air I left Mark under the water. He still have alot of air, dont worry unless he's too stupid to open his mouth under the water. Which he is (stupid).

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