Wrong Person

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"Wait, can you explain me whats happening?" I asked in a worried tone.

"Look. This is not because of you okay? I need to go now." She said as if everything thats happening right now is nothing.

"Where are you going?" I asked trying to calm myself.

I saw her sigh and close her eyes before walking towards me.

"You dont need to think too much okay? I got a call earlier right? So I need to go now. We're cool so no need to worry." She said calmly and smile warmly at me. Now Im okay.

She picked up her bag and put it over her shoulder and head out. I follow her and we got outside her place. She locked it and turn to me.

"See you when I see you." She smile again then start walking away from me.

"Will she going to be fine?" I asked myself when I got to my car watching her walking away.


Thats embarrassing to be honest! Im just trying to messed up with Mina. I just want to say that I can drink coffee but I guess I didnt think first before grabbing her hot coffee.

But what keeps on repeating in my mind was the peck of kiss. Thus she really need to kiss me? Well thinking about what happen, I didnt spit the coffee because its embarrassing that people are watching me even my mouth, specially my throat was hurt from the hotness of the coffee.

When we got back to my place I remember about my call earlier and everything that happened at the cafe fades away.

As I put my clothes at my bag I saw Mina freaked out. I dont understand why she react that way at first. Then I realize that she's misunderstanding what Im doing.

Well, atleast she said that she heard me talking to someone this morning.

I was snapped out from my thoughts when I heard a honk of a car. Its Mina.

I lower myself to get leveled to her window.

"Drive safe!" I said then straighten up to walk again but she honked again.

"What?" I asked when her window was down.

"Hop in! Ill drive you to your destination." I look at her blankly then I heard another honked but not from hers but rather at the back.

"Hop in or they will curse you when they pass at you!" I guess I dont have choice. I hop in and Mina go to the main road.

"Where are you going?" She asked

"Why are you driving me? Dont you have work?" I asked.

"Its fine. Ill just drop you off then go back to work." She smile at me and look back at the road.

"Its an hour away which means it will take you more or less depends to your driving in 2 hours to go to work." I informed her. I saw her runs her hand to her hair before she talks.

"Its fine. I can tell my bestfriend that Ill be late so Ill just get out late from work this evening. Besides I heard you need a ride so here I am." She look and me and smile before looking back to the road.


Its a silent ride going to my destination then I remember what happened at the cafe. Everything happens really fast that we havent talk so I decided to break the silence.

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