Wedding? Ending?

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We made it ONCE! TRIPLE KILL!!!!

As I promised, I brought you the update.

And guys! This is the next update to "DRUNK?". You didnt skip any updates. I really jump 2 months later.

Be ready in.......




[2 Months later]


I cant believe that I will say yes. Im very nervous. My palms are sweating and I cant help but keep walking across the room.

"Ms. Mina?" I heard my butler call me while knocking at my door.


"The car is ready."

"Okay, coming!" I grab my my phone and dial someone.

She answer me as I walk down to the stairs.


"Hi! Its me!"

"Ooh! Im at the restaurant."

"Okay! Ill be there at 15."

"Okay, see yah!"

I enter my car and release a heavy breath. Im very nervous.

"Before we go to our destination, let stop by somewhere." I told my driver and he nodded at me.


"Ms. Myoui." The guard greeted me then open the door.

"Mina!" Ysabelle call me which caught my attention as soon as I enter the establishment.

"Ysa!" I call out and gave her a smile. We hug for awhile the pull away.

"So I heard you say yes?"

"News spread fast huh?"

"Come on Mina, you know you're my boss."

"I know. Anyways, did you do my favor?"

"Ofcourse! Here!" She handed me a the mp3 player.

"Let me pay you for this device."

"No need, Mina. She can have it. Ooh turn on your bluetooth, Ill send you a soft copy so you can also hear it."

"You know how much this mean to me right?" Then I turned on my bluetooth.

"I know." She sound sad.

"Speak it up Ysa, or you'll forever stay on silence."

"Fine!" She sighs first. "Mina, you know that I like you right?"


"Let me finish first." I nodded at her. She looked down to her eyes, avoiding my eyes.

"So back to what Im saying. I like you very much. As I record the song you wrote, I cried a couple of times. Its hard to finish the song without a tears dropping from my eyes. It pains me a lot as I read those message from you." She raised her head and meet my eyes.

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