I ....

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The sunlight wakes me up as it passed thru the window, moving to my right I saw a pair of eyes looking at me. She smiles at me before she stroke my face softly. I close my eyes to enjoy your soft hand, I smile.

"Goodmorning." I greeted, I waited as she greeted back.

But she never did. I open my eyes only to see a dark room. No one is with me. Im laying on the floor, not at the bed anymore.

I roam my eyes but its all black, I cant see the corners but suddenly the room getting smaller as I felt myself being squeezed. I struggled and tears start escaping my eyes. Theres no voice coming from my mouth even I know to myself that Im screaming for help.

The air getting tighter and I felt Im loosing my life, then I heard an angelic voice calling for my name. I look around seeking for the voice.

The tight dark room slowly become spacious and turns white. I cant see anyone. I heard the voice again then I felt a hands caress my face.

"Chaeyoung wake up!"

"But Im awake."

"Open your eyes baby."

"But its already open."

"No baby you're not. Please open your eyes."

I blinked my eyes a few times and finally, I saw her. Her eyes full of fear and mixed with relief.

I stare at her.

"Am I awake?"


"No lies?"

She smile and lean forward, closing the gap between us then she gave me a quick peck. Its a warm and short good morning kiss.

Something is going on to me. Its a mixture of emotions that I cant explain, but one thing is for sure this time its more on Im embarrass.



"Why are you blushing?"

"M-me!? Blushing!!! Thats impossible!"

"But you are." She stated then she smile showing her gummy.

I felt my body heat up as I stare at her face.

"As far as I know we kissed alot."

The mention of the word kiss made me look down to my hands.

"Chaeyoung!!! You're cheeks are getting redder! Are you sick?"

I was about to say something but Mina pull my face towards hers, connecting our foreheads.

"Wha-what are you doing?" I asked calmly but inside of me, Im shaking.

"I just want to be sure you're okay."

I pull myself away because the heat inside my body is increasing.

I heard her sigh loudly. When she open her mouth I didnt expext her question.

"What's your dream all about?"

Im doubting to tell her but I still tell her what my dream was and I smile at her, trying to convince her that Im alright but she still worried at me. She look serious as she look straight to my eyes.

"Chaeyoung, I will never leave you-------- I promise."

That statement break my heart into pieces. I look at her and slowly my vision starts to become blurry.

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