Gallery Project

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Dahyun changed the topic by asking me not to go back with Jackson. I listen to Dahyun because like she always say, "I know whats best for you bro."

My parents are alive but they asked Dahyun to keep an eye on me since I move out for my own independency.

"Hey bro, I remember that you need my help. So? What is that?"

D: ooh yeah! Its been 6 months since we closed the gallery for renovation, right?

I nodded.

D: Its about to open in 3 more or less months and I want your paintings to be hang there.

"You're kidding right?"

D: Ofcourse not! I told you I will help you to fully grow! I want your paintings bro.

"Bro, you'll be wasting a space at your gallery if you do that. Nobody knows me." I said trying not to crack my voice.

D: Bro, I hired a gallery expert. She will be helping us to place the right painting in the right place plus she is well known. Every gallery that she work on sold alot of paintings not because of the artists' name but because of how she help people to understand the paintings. Then sooner those artists become known. This is it bro! Please just one art then if that doesnt sold, we will pull it out. I promise

"Its feels like we just meet again Dahyun."

We both laughed as we both remember how she tried to conviced me to work for her for the passed 5 years.

"So what do you want me to do?"

D: Work on your new painting, thats all I want you to do. I hope you have enough time to do that.

"Okay, Ill try to look for a new inspiration."

D: Sure thing. I will give you time with yourself. But for now lets talk about "Jack-ass lady"

"Seriously?" I asked shocked. "Why do you want to talk about that lady?"

D: Hey dont get me wrong. I want to talk if you want to take a revenge?

"Revenge? Why would I?"

D: Because she stole your first kiss Chaeyoung!!

"Hey!!! Thats not true!! She just kissed my cheeks! Its just near my lips but thats not a kiss at all!!

She smirked at me. She's not accepting my excuses.

"Come on bro!! Give me a break!!"

D: Fine fine.

She said between her laughs.

D: Anyways, Im going to meet the gallery expert tomorrow. Do you want to come with me? Maybe she can help you to look for new inspiration?

I shake my head.

"No. Im fine. I want to do this on my own. Maybe Ill go around this area or a little bit far to look for some inspiration."

She nodded agreeing with me.

D: Wait, Ill show you her picture. Maybe you'll be able to meet her somewhere while doing your work.

I stand up to grab a beer at my fridge. While Dahyun was scrolling at her phone.

D: HERE!!!

She shouted. I was half the way to Dahyun when my doorbell rang once. I waited for another ring but nothing follows. So I continue walking to Dahyun but the doorbell ring continuously as it irritate the both of us. Dahyun stand up and stomped her feet going to the door. I watched her irritatedly open the door.

She opens it small. So I dont know who's outside.

D: Why are you here?!

She asked the person irritated.

"I want to talk to her." As I heard his voice I sighed. Dahyun look at me with a "dont talk to him" look. I want to listen but maybe Ill let Jackson to reason out or explain what happened. I smile at Dahyun, she knows whats going on in my mind. She sighed and move a little and open the door fully, revealing Jackson. He looks really worried. I walked towards the door. He was about to walk-in but I talked.

"Lets take a walk while talking. You're not allowed to come in."

I saw Dahyun smile ear-to-ear and Jackson listen.

J: Ill wait downstairs.

Then he left.

D: You sure you wanted to talk to him? You can ditch him by not going down.

I nodded. "Im sure. Besides if I wont talk to him he'll come back and will make noise." She smiled and hugged me.

D: I trust you.

"Thank you. Be back later, okay?"

I Love You, Love You, Hate, Foolish.... Crazy Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن