Infront of me

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Its been 15 minutes since we started walking at the park but she havent talk about anything. She even walk behind me as if she dont want to walk at my pace. Fine! I wont turn to look at you!

To be honest I want her to get worried or get mad about what I wear today. So that I can start bursting out my anger. I want her to understand why I got mad yesterday.

I saw some guys coming from different direction. I saw them look at my legs but afterwards inverted their eyes. And they look afraid? Whatever they are not my type.

But I was thinking, is there something wrong about my legs? Thus it look like something unpleasant? Is that the reason why Chaeyoung have been quiet all this time?

Then I felt a wind blew, I stop as my body shivers from the unexpected coldness.

Now, Im regretting what Im wearing. I shouldnt have done this. I never thought that Chaeyoung doesnt care about what I wear at all.

I decided to walk a little faster but I also regretting it as the wind touches my skin sending more chills to my body.

My anger suddenly reached its limit as I felt really bad for myself for being treated this way. I was about to turn around but I felt a warm fabric wrapped around my legs.

"I hope you dont mind if I tie this around your waist."

She said while standing infront of me tying her jacket around my waist. She smile at me warmly as I felt my anger fades away.

"You're turning red. Are you okay?"

She asked while her hand is at my forehead. I stepped backward as I try to hold back myself. I removed her hand.

"Yes! Im absolutely okay!"

Suddenly the smile at her face fades away.

"Are you mad?"

"Of——ofcourse no!"

"But you're shouting right now."

I never been this nervous infront of someone. Sure thing I like her but do I really need to act like this? Maybe she's just way too close to my face?

"Can you stay away from me?!" I blurted out without thinking.

"Oh!——— Yeah! Okay! Sure! Sorry for making you feel uncomfortable."

The tone at her voice sounds like a little disappointed. She stepped backward giving us more space between us.

"Hey, its not what you think. What I mean is——"

"Lets go. Ill call you a cab."

She interupt me. Then I realize that we're already at the sidewalk of the main road, I can hear the car horns. I look at her and I saw a sadness in her eyes. What did I do?


She looked at me and show a fake smile, I think.

"Its getting late and the wind is getting colder. You cant stay outside in that outfit.——"

She look at the road as she raised her hand to call for a cab.

So now she's going to lecture me. Im actually ready at this part. I dont want to pick up a fight with her but lecturing about what I wear today is the last thing she shouldnt start.

I was about to defend myself but I was captivated with her words when she continues.

"——Just to let you know. You look beautiful on whatever you wear. I just hope next time. If theres a next time, you will show too much of that skin only infront of me. Okay?"

This time she look at me and smiles again, her eyes are no longer visible.

And I froze not because of the cold breeze but because of that genuine smile that plaster at her face.



Without Mina's knowledge, Chaeyoung planned to stay behind her so that she can threat those people who look at Mina in malicious way.

Since Chaeyoung wants to go to the park after meeting Mina to look for inspiration. She brought her sketch pad and materials inside her backpack. She never thought that this is going to be useful in this kind of situation.

She took it out and write:

"She's a daughter of a five star general. Her bodyguards are scattered in this place. Dont look at her if you dont want to get hurt. I was caught once but forgiven when I promise not to do that again."

She doesnt know about Mina at this point. She just wrote those just for threatening others. But who cares? It works!

Well, she's VERY CLEVER.

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