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Im here infront of Chaeyoung's place. Its quarter to 6.

"Am I too early? Should I wait until it turns 6?" I whisper to myself. Then a cold breeze blew that made me knock and ring the bell.

Its kinda exhausting knocking at her front door. She's not coming, and I dont hear any movements inside her place. I took out my phone and dialed her number. It takes two rings before she answered.

"Yes hello?"

"Hey! Its Mina, Im already here outside."

"Ohh shoot!!"

I heard her say that then I heard a loud foot steps coming to the door. Then there she is, wearing an oversize white shirt covered with color paints.

"Im very sorry Mina! --- I lost track of time!" She said while catching her breath.

To be honest I feel like I have the right to get angry at her. First, she forgot that we're having a dinner. Second, I waited outside before she opens it and lastly, she's not even prepared!

But on the other hand, seeing her in that cloth made me turn on, well not into a sexual turn on but-never mind! It is what it is. So since she also rush to the door to open it for me and on the top of that Im here at her house. So I felt my anger just fade away.

"Please come in."

She said while giving me space to come thru. I stopped for a while then look at her, she smell something.Then she look at me and smile before closing the door behind her.

"Do you mind if Ill take your coat?"

I nodded and take it off and handed it to her.

"Thank you."

"I wont lie Mina. Okay?" *sighs* "Believe me, I really dont forgot our dinner. Its just I forgot to set the alarm at my phone as soon I got home. I was immersed to my art so I forgot to check my phone. And because of that I dont get a chance to make us dinner. How about lets order?"

I look at her and studied her state. Her hands are covered with paints and some are also at her face. Her hair bun is in mess and she doesnt even wear a slippers.

I sighs loudly that made her look at me.

"Please dont get mad."

How can I get mad if she's too cute!!!

"Walk me to your kitchen."

She nodded and lead me to her kitchen, I follow her behind.

"What do you need at my kitchen? A water?"

I didnt answer her, I walk to her fridge and start taking out some ingredients.

"What are you doing?"

"Cant you tell? Im going to make us dinner."

"Ill do it Mina! You're the visitor here."

"Can you please sit at the counter and just stay still?"


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