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I come home from Will's place a bit early. I left him the literature notes though so, at least my trip there was worthwhile. I try to brush the incident at Will's aside and I set my bag down. Hm, usually George is in the kitchen hogging the fridge right now. Wonder where he is?

"Alex? George?" I call out, wandering into the area where their bedrooms were. I knock on George's door. No response. "George?" I ask. Again, no response.

"I'm coming in." I announce and push open the door. Nobody's there. I'm a bit confused and I slowly close his door.

I approach Alex's door and hear some sniffing and sobbing. I knock on the door worried. "Alex?? Are you alright?" I ask. I hear him sniffle and weak 'yeah'. "I'm coming in." I open his door and I see him hastily wiping his cheeks and try to put a smile on his face. My heart sinks.

"Alex? What's wrong?" I ask, coming over. Alex doesn't look up at me, "N-Nothing's wrong.." he pants, his shoulders shaking.

I kneel down and lift his face up. It's obvious he's been crying. He then starts hyperventilating and tears start pouring out of eyes.

"Charlie, where were you..?" he sobs. I shake slightly and hug him. "Hey calm down..I'm here now." I whisper, rubbing Alex's back.

"I don't like being alone..."he cries, continuing to quickly take short breaths. "Calm down, Alex. I'm here." I soothe him.

He whimpers and curls up in my arms. I hold him and he slowly calms down, sniffling and his breathing steadied. His grip on my shirt doesn't loosen though and he shakes slightly.

I pull the blanket over us and rub circles on his back, which cause him to get drowsy. He falls asleep in my arms and I smile slightly.

I wipe the tears that were remaining on his face and his expression becomes calm and steady. I close my eyes and fall asleep as well.


I wake up a few hours later. The moonlight shines through the cracks of Alex's curtains and dimly lights up the room. I sit up and my neck aches from me sitting upright.

My eyes adjust to the darkness and I see Alex sitting at the end of his bed. His back is turned to me and I can see his shoulders shaking.

Alex turns to look at me and a sliver of moonlight lights his eyes up. His eyes are full of fresh tears, and he has his hands covering his mouth, muffling his sobs. I feel my heart ache.

His eyes meet with mine and he realises I'm awake. "C-Charlie.." he sobs, wiping his tears away and coming over to me. "Y-You're awake.." he sniffles. His breathing is again unstable and he continues to wipe the tears.

No matter what though, the tears kept falling. 

"Alex-" I start, but am interrupted as Alex frantically gets up and backs away into the corner. I get up and slowly approach him. He's crying and has his eyes closed and hands in his chest. I rest my hands on his and he slowly opens his eyes. "Hey.." I smile reassuringly.

He looks at me and a tear trickles down his cheek, "Charlie..." he whispers. I wipe his tear away and hug him. His arms wrap around me as well and he buries his face in my shoulder.

I hush and soothe him, and bring him to the kitchen for some water. I fill up a glass and sigh, "Where is George..?" I mutter. "H-He went out with our mate James and he messaged me that he's gonna be stayin at his place for tonight.." Alex answers me and drinks his water.

I nod and sit in front of him, rubbing his hand and he shakily tries to regain his breath. "I'm sorry for today..." he says quietly.

"No it's okay, what happened though?" I ask.

"I-I just got uneasy and had a breakdown..anxiety sucks." he weakly chuckles. I frown, "Alex..why didn't you wake me up?" I ask

"I'm sorry...I just didn't want to disturb you." Alex replies quietly. I smile slightly and brush some hair out of his eyes. "Don't worry Alex, I'm here for you. So you can talk to me whenever." I say gently.

I come over to him and smile. Alex smiles back and hugs me again. I blush slightly and hug back. "I'll let you go to bed now, okay." I smile, pulling away from the hug and start heading to my room.

I stop once I feel Alex take my hand, "please stay with me for the night.." Alex says, "I just..don't want to be alone.." he mumbles.

I smile gently and feel my cheeks heat up, "Sure Alex." I reply. I sit on his bed and he sits next to me. He closes his eyes and rests his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you..Charlie.." he breathes out. I can see the dried tear stains on his cheeks and I feel my heart hurt again. I let the tears flow after the few hours I held them back. I hear Alex breathe steadily as he falls asleep. I close my eyes.

"I'm here, Alex.."


Hey everyone! This is chapter 12 done! Alex is such a soft boy, i cRY-

° School is beating me right now and I'm trying my best to have a good upload schedule! Anyways thank you for reading and thank you for 225 reads. Emmy and I are extremely surprised. A like would be greatly appreciated!°

I'll see you in the next one!

- Val

- Val

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