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Charlie's P.O.V

I can hear the muffled voices of George and Will arguing. I can imagine what it is they're arguing about, but decide not to linger on it.

I pick up the remote and flick through some channels, only to see that their's nothing really on.

I mean, I could stay here and watch some "You've been framed" with Harry Hill, but I decide against that.

I sit in silence for a moment, the only thing making noise is Will and George, now a little quieter than only moments ago.

The two walk back into the room, taking a seat either side of me.

George secretly grabs my hand and intertwined our fingers, while Will rests his hand on the side of my thigh. I can feel myself heating up and almost exploding.

The boys turn the telly back on and go through    The same process I did just moments ago. Although they seemed to decide to actually watch "You've been framed".

I smile slightly and jump up off the couch, earning some looks from the boys. "I'm going to my room," I point to the hallway, lying smoothly.

As I walk away I smile triumphantly at my non-failed attempt at lying.

Alex's P.O.V

I sit on my bed with my head buried in my arms, thinking about what I overheard.

"We're at war, George. One fuck up. And she's mine."

This is getting serious. The three of us are at each others throats over Charlie. We're gonna chase her away at some point, I can feel it.

I hear a soft knock on my door, which could only be Charlie as the lads don't knock. "Come in," I call, smiling.

She opens the door and quietly closes it behind her, tip toeing over to my bed. She sits beside me and pulls me into a hug.

"Your hugs are always so warm," she mumbles into my 'Internet Sensation' hoodie. I chuckle as I wrap my hands around her body, resting my chin on her head.

"Sorry about how quiet I was," she finally says, pulling her head back from my chest. "I just can't see any of yous alone any more with the others freaking out.." she explains sadly.

I frown, "Yeah, uh.. yeah.." I awkwardly say.

"It's been worse since the night at the club."

I slightly flinch at the memory of that night. Not only had I found out Will and George both nearly kissed Charlie, but we were too busy fighting to help Charlie when she really needed us. We had failed her as her friends.

"Oh, Uhm.. yeah.." I awkwardly answer.

"Alex, I'm so sorry," she chokes out.

I raise an eyebrow, "For what?"

"For Jayden. I'm so fucking sorry I didn't see what he was really like. I'm just too naïve and because of it, I put not only myself, but you in danger and I'm so sorry for it. Its been eating at me and I can't express how sorry I am Alex-"

I grab her hand, "Char, don't. Stop. It's not your fault. You couldn't have possibly seen what he was really like. He was so nice around you that you couldn't have possibly seen around it. I'm sorry for not being there for you that night or for being able to stick up for you," I whisper.

I caress her cheek and lift her chin up to face me with my spare hand, "You are an amazing girl, I honestly can't express how amazing you are. You are so nice and you radiate this warmth that no one could possibly resist," I explain.

Charlie smiles as her cheeks start to tint a reddish colour. "Thanks Alex.." she reply's, breathless.

We stare at each other for a few moments before our gazes shift to our lips. We slowly move close enough so that our breaths are fanning each others faces. I close my eyes, and surely, we move in and kiss one another.

It's slow, but full of passion. Charlie holds on to me tighter, making me feel even warmer than I already am.

We stay like this for a few moments before Charlie places a hand on my chest, pushing me away.

"I-I'm sorry Alex.. I just.." I hold her hand and squeeze it slightly, encouraging her to continue.

"I'm just so confused.." she whispers.

I raise an eyebrow, "oh?"

"Yeah. About you, George and Will. I just.. yeah.." she explains, but I get what she's saying. I squeeze her hand again to show her that I understand.

She looks up at me and smiles sadly, "I'm gonna head to bed before one of the lads find us and bite your head off," she laughs, and I join in.

We stay in silence for a moment before she lets go of my hand, standing up.

I stand up beside her and pull her into one last hug, kissing the top of her head, "Goodnight Char," I whisper.

She lets go of me and slowly leaves my room, softly closing the door behind her, not alerting anyone else.

I think about her kiss and start to feel all giddy, now sitting back down on my bed.

My mind drifts back to what she said about being confused. And about how it's about Will, George and I. I can understand why she's feeling as she is, we're all doing things that can mess with emotions. We all know we should stop but it's sort of all accidental at this point.

I slightly smile again at what she had meant when she said what she did.

She wasn't sure which one of us she liked.


Heyyyy.. wassup lads? Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter as we'd love to chat to you guys!

I started a separate account for myself today, and I'd appreciate it if you guys would follow me? _emmymme__

See you guys in the next chapter!

Hugs and Kisses,
-Emmy xoxo

Hugs and Kisses,-Emmy xoxo

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