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Charlie's P.O.V

I walk back into my room and shut the door. I lean my back against the door and slowly slide down to the floor.

I let out a sigh.

"..I love you, Charlie." I hear Will whisper.

I blush and smile, "I love you too, Will. You're one of the greatest friends I know."

Will becomes silent.

And I feel his grip loosen.

He closes his eyes and scrunches his face up. "I-I'm going to the kitchen," he shakes his head and walks off and away from me.

Why did I say that? Well that's easy, because I don't exactly know how I feel about him. Or George. Or Alex. I don't know who it is I like. It is one of them, but I'm not sure who.

Will and I kissed, yeah, but I wasn't sober enough to really feel anything. I can't really remember it if I'm honest. Which sucks.

I knew what Will meant when he said what he said. I knew that the three of them liked me. I'm not an idiot.


Most of the time I'm not.

I could tell that they did between their stupid fights over me to how they liked to get.. comfortable.. with me.

I mean, I guess it took me a while to figure out.


George's P.O.V

I'm sitting on the couch beside Will, watching some telly. Alex was knocked out in his room after having one too many.

Even though I'm tipsy from the video Alex and I made, I had noticed a shift in Wills mood since he stormed out of Charlie's room earlier.

I sigh, "Will, mate. What happened earlier with Charlie?" I question.

He turns to me, his cheeks red. "Nothing, George."

His voice seemed trustworthy, but his face betrayed him. "Will I'm not clapped, I can see something happened," I point out.

He sighs, "I don't wanna talk about it George, mate," He mumbles.

I stand up off the couch after realising Will wasn't going to talk.

I walk into the Kitchen and look around aimlessly as I think of something to do. I wasn't in the mood to go on my phone, or watch telly, or go out. So what?

My eyes drift to the hallway in the flat that lead through to the bedrooms. I start walking through there and arrive in front of a door.

I knock on the door and the soft voice inside tells me to come inside. I walk in and sit down on the bed next to them, I rest my forehead on their back.

"What's up Georgie?" Charlie laughs.

I smile, "Nothing, just wanted to see you. I haven't seen you all day you know?" I lift my head up and Charlie turns around to face me.

God her face.. it's so beautiful. Even in the dark.

"What can I say? I enjoy my own company, " She chuckles and I join in.

"I was.. gonna watch some Netflix. You can join me if you want?" she suggests.

I know I said I didn't wanna watch the telly.. but...

"I'd love to," I smile and she grabs her laptop.

She jumps into her bed and pulls the bed covers over her short body, she pats the area beside her, inviting me to sit next to her. "C'mon, I'm not gonna bite," She snickers.

I roll my eyes and dive into the bed beside her, getting comfortable under the covers.

"Now.. What to watch?" She asks.

"I don't know why, but I'm thinking some terminator?" I suggest.

She shrugs her shoulders and puts the movie on.


We're now getting to the end of our third movie, it's late, and Charlie was snuggling up against me. I have my arm wrapped around her shoulder and we're comfortable.

She shuffles around a bit and wraps her arms around the bottom of my torso, digging her face into my chest.

"I hate being confused.." She mumbles into my chest.

I push her away and look at her, "What's that supposed to mean?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Well I'm not elaborating if that's what you want," she wiggles her finger and lets out a yawn.

I chuckle and pull her back into my body, her warmth travelling through my body.

"Thanks for pushing me to say it," she- once again -yawns, into my chest this time.

I suddenly remember something she had told me and the lads the other day. "So.. you're really not looking for a relationship right now?" I ask.

She pulls her head back so she was looking at me, "Honestly, I'm not really sure.. If someone I liked asked me out then I guess I would.. I'm not sure," she sighs.

I hold back the urge to smile after hearing that she was open to the idea of dating.

"Man I'm tired.." she yawns again, digging her face back into my chest as I lie down to make it more comfortable.

"Then go asleep," I smirk.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," she mumbles.

We're silent for a few moments when Charlie's breathing against my chest starts to even out and her head turns on its side so that her face is visible as she lie's against me.

Her lips are partly open and she's letting out a soft snore, I hold back to the urge to 'awwh' at her cuteness.

I start to get comfortable under Charlie.

I place my hand on the side of her head and rub my thumb up and down her ear. I lean down to her head and kiss the top of it, "Goodnight Char, love you to the moon and back," I mumble into her hair.

I lie back down into her bed and close my eyes, allowing myself to fall into a slumber.




Okay, seriously. Thank you guys so much!

I've noticed that we don't get any comments, so imma kindly ask you guys to please leave comments! Val and I would love to chat to you guys!

See you in the next one!

Hugs and Kisses,
-Emmy xoxo

Hugs and Kisses,-Emmy xoxo

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