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I sit in my room, putting away all my books in my bag. I managed to finish my homework really early, so I have time to kill. I lay down in my bed and sigh happily. I close my eyes, letting myself drift off to the world of sleep.

But I'm disturbed by a knock on a door. I sit up and slowly get up. I open the door and am face to face with Will. "Will, w-what're you doing here?" I ask, the events of Monday still fresh in my mind.

I didn't blame Will, but I was upset that he just walked away like that. It was just so..odd. I brush that thought away and he smiles sheepishly at me.
"George and Alex are drinking while recording and, I don't wanna get caught up with that while they're drunk." he chuckles.

I reluctantly let him in my room and I stare silently at him. I sit on my bed and cross my legs, looking at Will. He looks at my room and then to me, smiling.

A blush creeps onto my face and I look away. Will gets up and smiles,
"How are you doing, Charlie?" he asks.

"I've been great, how about you, Will?" I ask. He smiles, "I'm really good." he answers.

Will's eyes then move to the lighter. His brows furrowed. "Charlie, what's this for..?" he asks, holding the lighter and turning to me.

I gulp and look down, "Alex caught me smoking..so uh..I threw the cigarettes away, but I kept the lighter.." I mumble, feeling Will's eyes on me.

Will puts the lighter down and sits on my bed. He pulls me into a hug and nuzzles me. "Charlie..why didn't you tell me..?" he mutters.

I hug him back and smile, "Don't worry, Will. I stopped." I hold his hands and smile. He sighs in relief and smiles. "Okay, good."

I feel Will intertwine our hands and he smiles softly. His eyes were bright and I blush. Will strokes my cheek and then grins, "You willing to get a drink?" he asks.

I groan and roll my eyes, "Fine." I huff, but can't help the smile that spread across my face.

Will gets us some beers and I let him crack them open, taking a swig right after he does.

A few minutes pass and I'm already drunk whilst Will is tipsy. I laugh and lean back, watching Will drink and chuckle as well. I finish my drink and look at Will.

Will downs his drink and lays down, sighing in relief. I lay next to him and giggle. He props up on his side and grins cheekily at me.

He brushes a strand of hair behind my ear and we stare in each others eyes. I see Will lean in and I close my eyes.

I feel Will's lips press softly against mine and I kiss back. I rest my hands on his chest and we pull away, staring at each other.

Will pauses then hastily gets up. He rushes to the door and opens it to leave, but before he does, he turns to me,
"C-Charlie, I..I'm sorry.." he covers his mouth and leaves.

I blink and then get up to try and chase after Will. Stumbling to my door I open it and then. I trip.

I put my hands out to try brace and stop my fall.

I find myself in the arms of someone, though. I look up and see George. "Falling for me already, Charlie?" he laughs. I can smell the alcohol off of him, but I'm drunk as well.

I roll my eyes and giggle, "Seen Will by any chance?" I slur, to which George frowns.
"Haven't.." he mumbles, wrapping his arms around my waist, "actually - I think he left the apartment." George says.

I huff and nod, resting my head in George's chest. I feel his hands slide down my waist slightly and I blush. I slowly became a bit more sober and looked up at him.

"G-George.." I mutter, my breathing becoming a bit hitched.

He pulls away and smirks at me before putting his hands in his pocket, "Sorry Charlie, but I promise I'll get back to you. I left Alex so I need to finish the recording with him." he winks and leaves.

I run my hand in my hair and frown, today is so weird. Everything is going by so fast. I want to wash my face.

I go and open the bathroom door, but someone opens it from inside the bathroom. I freeze and I see Will there.

"Charlie-" he starts but I cut him off by entering the bathroom with him and closing the door.
"Will, why did you run??" I ask, confused.

By now, both of us were sober. Aware of what we are doing. He turns his head away from me. "I-I didn't mean to kiss you..I was just.." he mutters.

I stop him and kiss him on the cheek. "Leave it for now.." I whisper. Will wraps his arms around me, like George had done before.

"..I love you, Charlie." I hear Will whisper.

I blush and smile, "I love you too, Will. You're one of the greatest friends I know."

Will becomes silent.

And I feel his grip loosen.


I'll see you in the next one!
- Val

❧I'll see you in the next one!☙- Val

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