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After the events of the past week concerning the boys, I had become very awkward around them. With Alex getting comfy with me, George and Will trying time kiss me. And, I didn't try stop it.

The lads clearly noticed how tense I was, so they asked.. well.. forced me to go out to a club with them.

We're currently walking to the club and Alex wraps his hand around my shoulder, "So, me and the lads go here loads. We haven't gone in a while though," he rambles.

Suddenly George grabs my hand from the opposite side Alex was on, lifting Alex's arm off of me. "Alex, mate. You're making her uncomfortable," He smiles at me, not letting go of my hand.

After a moment of walking with George's hand intertwined with mine, he was pushed out of the way and Will wraps his arms around me, hugging me from behind as we walk.

I laugh nervously and pull myself from his grip, "Ha.. I'm.. just gonna walk ahead from you guys," I say awkwardly.

As I walk a bit ahead of the boys, I can hear them bickering behind me. I don't bother trying to listen to what they're saying as I'm currently trying to wrap my head around my emotions.

We arrive at the club and the four of us walk up to the bar, ordering our drinks. "Char, what drink would you like?" Will asks, talking in my ear so I would hear him over the music.

"I'll have a Heineken," I request with a smile, to which he returns with a wink as he echos my words to the bar man.

He hands me the drink at the four of us place our drinks on a table.


I was on my third drink after about two hours and the four of us were just having a good time laughing and conversing, I spot a familiar face in the crowd and once getting a closer look I see Jayden with his friends.

He spots me and waves, to which I return, "Hey guys! It's Jayden," I chirp, slurring my words.

The boys visibly tense and I go to walk over to Jayden to say hi.

A hand is suddenly wrapped around my arm and I'm pulled back, "No! You're not going over to him," George shouts, clearly annoyed.

Alex grabs my other arm, "Yeah! I don't want you to talk to him," He pouts.

I rip my arms from their grips. And it's possibly because of the drink, but the next part just spills out of my mouth,

"What the hell is with you guys lately? You've been confusing me so much!" I point at Alex, "You! You were getting all comfortable with me and holding my hands and, and.." I point to George, "You! You were hugging me, and holding my hand, and even tried to kiss me!" I finally point at Will, "And You! You were being all possessive, pushing me up against a wall, carrying me like a bride, getting me drunk and trying to kiss me too!" I finish, out of breath.

All the boys take in a sharp breath and turn to one another, "YOU GUYS TRIED TO KISS HER?" Alex screams.

"I WAS DRUNK!" Will defends.


They continue arguing amongst themselves and I take this moment to slip away and find Jayden.

Once we find each other, we both stumble over to one another.

"H-Heyyy, Charlie boo!" He laughs. He grabs my hand and starts to drag me to the dance floor, "Let's dance babe!" He calls.

I laugh and join him on the dance floor, swaying my hips to the music.

I'm suddenly grabbed by the arms and Jayden starts to dance with me, pulling me closer to him.

I look up at him to see him staring at me, then my lips.

I freeze when I realise what he's doing.

My mind travels to when George did the same thing, then Will. And I can picture the two moments again.

But when I awake from my sudden daydream, Jayden is already kissing me.

The thing that shocks me is I kiss back, I don't know why. I don't see Jayden as anything more than a friend. It's completely platonic between us. I don't feel anything during our kiss, no butterflies or anything.

I pull away and shake my head, "I'm sorry.. that was a mistake Jayden.." I turn around to walk away.

My arm is grabbed and I'm pulled backwards to face Jayden again. "Charlie I-I.. I really like you okay? It wasn't a mistake!" He pleads.

I shake my head again, "No, no.. it was.. Jayden I don't- I don't like you that way," I explain, feeling more sober.

His expression turns dark, "You like one of them idiots don't you? So? Which one? Or is it all three? Didn't take you as that type of person Charlie," He laughs dryly.

I rip my arm from his grip and storm off, feeling like a stone was lodged down my throat.

I walk up to the boys who still seemed to be arguing, " G-guys.. I wanna g-go home.." I choke out, trying to talk over their shouting.

When they don't notice me I decide to just storm out myself, and walk home alone.


I lock the door behind me and run to my bedroom, drop everything and dive into my bed. Wrapping myself in my bed sheets, letting myself sob.

I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Between not knowing how I feel about the boys. Jayden pretty much insinuating that I'm nothing but a whore who has slept with all my guy friends. And him kissing me. It's messed me all up.

I cry for god knows how long before drifting into a deep sleep..


♪DUN DUN DUNnnn....

So? How do you guys feel about this chapter? I'm pretty hyped about it, but it also hurts to see Charlie upset..

See you guys in the next one!♪

Hugs and Kisses,
-Emmy xoxo

Hugs and Kisses,-Emmy xoxo

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