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▬▬▬▬▬⠀( kisses me more )

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▬▬▬▬▬⠀( kisses me more )


fun fact #14 ; shouto loves kourin's kisses.






When the ash blond had woken up, he was met with the face of the brunette and he found himself blush, recalling what'd happened last night. Despite her words, she'd ended up sleeping over and he couldn't help but feel giddy as he traced his index finger over her jawline then the scar on her eye. She looks perfect. He placed a kiss on her forehead before drifting back to sleep.

Kourin was half asleep when she heard the ringtone she'd set for Chisa and she immediately jolted up, answering the phone, "yeah?"

"Did you have a nice sleep?"

She could already hear the teasing undertone in her voice, "yes, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't expect to fall asleep here," she yawned.

"I know dear, it was Adan that had more trouble accepting it. You're lucky Mitsuki still had my number and called to tell me."

"If I'm not in trouble," she glanced down at the ash blond and began playing with his hair, "then why are you calling? Did something happen? Did Adan break his hip?"

"HA! Don't let him hear you say that, but Shouto called, something about training? Said he already texted you the address."

"Oh! Yes, of course. I'll see you tonight, kaasan."

"Be safe, my dear. And I hoped you used protection."

"Kaasan!" She whispered shouted and let out a sigh as she hung up the phone. Kourin poked his cheek, "Katsuki, I've got to go."

That was enough to rouse him semi awake, "no, stay with me." He whined and pulled her back into his arms. Another reason he didn't want her to go was because he knew who she was going to.

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