⠀( ₀₃₄ )⠀⠀PURRFECT DAY

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▬▬▬▬▬⠀( cafe's and fun )

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▬▬▬▬▬⠀( cafe's and fun )


fun fact #28 ; pyro's quirk is warp.
and he may or may not become a
regular character in the filler chapters.






Dabi gazed fondly at the sleeping brunette by his side, "doll, wake up. I'd love to lay in bed with you forever, but, don't you have to go somewhere..?" A yawn escaped his lips, resting his head on her arm. "Like school?"

A groan escaped her lips as she rolled out of bed and trudged to the bathroom. She'd gotten carried away last night, she stayed up late again but this time she wasn't playing games, the reason she'd stayed up late was that she and Dabi had gotten carried away talking and getting to know one another. It was worth it. She couldn't admit to herself that she was growing feelings for him. And in such a short amount of time too. It surprised even her.

Dabi propped himself up, watching the brunette scurry around her room and the house, he found it quite adorable. It was like they were dating. "It's probably my fault, my bad."

"It's my fault too," she said, whizzing past the door to change into her clothes. "It was nice talking to you."

"I'll be waiting here for you. I'm just going to go back to sleep.." Yawning once more, he buried his scarred face into her pillow, inhaling the scent he'd grown to love. What a dream..

Kourin walked back into her room and grabbed her bag, her bicoloured hues landing on his figure made her heart skip a beat. God.. what am I doing? What would the others think? Katsuki.. Shouto... Shaking her head, she placed on his forehead before she left the house.

His eyes fluttered open as he watched her retreating figure. Dabi knew that she was younger than him, but that didn't matter and from what he could tell, it didn't matter to her either. He knew she had friends other than him, friends she could hang out with and so he wouldn't be surprised if she came home late. He didn't mind waiting for her.

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