Chapter Thirty Six - Past

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I never imagined that I would ever be having doubts about Tyler stealing from his own house, and if my brother hadn't conveniently put doubts in my head, I would still assume that he'd replicated the bracelet his mother had.

But now I just couldn't let it go because if Ty had stolen something from his own home, it wasn't nothing.

I dressed up decently and decided to play Sherlock. I wanted to know the truth. While Tyler hadn't given me a reason to believe that he would steal anything, I couldn't forget the day in third grade when he'd casually flicked my Hello-Kitty keychain out of mere revenge because I wouldn't sit beside him for lunch.

So sue me for having these doubts.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that T.J no longer studied in Cold-Bay High. His family had been conveniently plucked out and forced to relocate, all because Ty couldn't tolerate him in the hallways or during the games. Any evidence about Ty taking a hockey stick to T.J's head was wiped clean. The Lockhart's had tons of money to shove it down the throats of all the right people.

Not that I had any particular liking for T.J. He was a grade-A sleazebag who deserved what came for him.

Anyway, back to my current predicament, I drove to the Lockhart's mansion and I didn't tell Archer that I was going there to get answers. He was hell-bent on the idea that Ty stole the bracelet and I wouldn't pass any judgment until I had some valid proof which only his mother would provide.

As I parked in an empty spot designated for the house-guests, my heart began racing. The mansion loomed, dominating the entire premise in its gothic glory. I tried not to feel intimidated by its vastness or the dark and sinister history that preceded everything else that was now. And even though I visited the mansion often, it still took my breath away and scared me in equal measures every time I stepped foot inside.

Two Rottweiler dogs barked in a distance, they were handled by a caretaker who was taking rounds across from the mansion and heading towards the woods.

A shudder ran down my spine as I could see in the far distance, the stones jutting out of the Lockhart's ancestral graveyard.

Tyler, Archer and I used to play silly dares there at night when we were kids because Ty insisted that he saw the ghost of his dead great-great-grandfather who had supposedly died drowning in the lake, and a servant had found him with his head split open. He found great pleasures in scaring us with gory details.

Ty had a sick sense of humor even as a kid.

A maid opened the door and led me inside. Morgan was nowhere in sight, so I asked the maid if I could see Kiara Lockhart and that this was important. She asked me to sit in the receiving room while she went to call upon her mistress.

Mrs. Lockhart had a love-hate relationship with her husband. They were separated to my knowledge but according to Ty, it hadn't stopped the two from "fucking each other to oblivion" his words not mine, and so the couple had a mutual agreement that they would raise their son together regardless of their differences.

I had texted Tyler before visiting his house and knew that he was out for a game of golf with his father. Since Tyler wasn't particularly interested in golf, I only assumed he was playing chaperone, so I had seized that chance and decided it was the best time to speak with his mother in private.

Feeling a little adventurous, I walked towards the kitchen area down the hallway. The kitchen was all marble-covered counter-tops and stainless steel appliances. One would assume this was a set from a cooking show.

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