Sign | tokoyami

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This is a request from @GlitterWolf6 thank you for the request glitter wolf!

I'm deaf, a lot of people at my old school knew that and were really nice about it. But now I'm going to UA, I've hidden it pretty well, only the teachers know about it and I can read lips. I just have headphones in all the time so no one really talks to me. And if I turn it all the way up I can feel the bass in my ears, it's comforting.
But this one, guy? I think he's human. He has a bird head, his names tokoyami and we've been talking a lot recently. He's really cool, kinda scary though. His quirks like this shadow bird thing. I think it's called dark shadow.
My quirks kind of ironic. I can manipulate sound waves. I was born deaf so I didn't realize I was annoying my parents with weird buzzing sounds whenever I used it. I just know I'm using it now because of vibrations. Good vibes mannnnn. Okay I'll stop.
I felt a tap on my shoulder. I twisted around to see tokoyami.
"Hey." I said.
His lips were really hard to read because well. He didn't have any.
He either said. Betty spaghetti on.
Or "were you ignoring me?"
I'll go with the second.
"There's something I have to tell you." I told him pulling him around a corner. I didn't want to miss read his lips so I just told him.
"I'm deaf." I blurted out.
When people met me before they asked how I could even talk. I really don't know but people say I don't even sound deaf at all. Just a little lisp which isn't that noticeable.
He looked confused.
"I can read lips." I told him.
He then looked a little less confused.
We talked for a little while until he brought up my quirk.
"You can control sound waves, and you're deaf?" I read.
"Yeah, the irony is over 9000." I laughed. I hope my laugh isn't super annoying. I had someone that didn't know I was deaf tell me that one time. My whole class ganged up on him. I had some really good friends. I still talk to most of them.
He looked like he was laughing too.
It was a few weeks later when tokoyami actually signed to me.
"Hey, how are you?" He signed. I was through the roof. No ones ever learnt sign for me before not even my cousins.
"Good, how are you." I signed back.
He obviously didn't have a response.
"That what really good, I didn't know you were learning or I wouldn't helped you." I told him.
"Yeah Totally. Anyway I'll see you later." I told him.
"How do you sign that?" He asked.
I showed him the sign and he signed it. I signed it back and waved.
The next week we were signing in class. People also found out that I was deaf which honestly wasn't a big deal. They still feel a little stupid that they didn't find out before.
"Really? I would've never known." Kirishima told me.
"Yeah, I'm pretty good at hiding it." I told him.
Soon enough everyone else wanted me to teach them how to sign. Which it really sweet. No ones ever gone out of their way to learn.
"Hey, sit with us at lunch?" Ururaka signed to me in the hallway.
"Yes, I just go to my locker." I said and signed at the same time. She smiled at told me to meet her there. I ran into tokoyami on the way.
"Hey." I waved.
"Hey, I need to tell you something." He signed.
"What is it?" I asked.
He looked like he was trying to remember a sign.
"In love."
"With you."
He signed slowly.
"Are you sure you did that right?" I asked nervously.
He looked like he was gonna die of embarrassment.
He nodded.
Thank god. I liked him for a while too. He's really sweet and cool and dark shadow reminds me of a cat.
I hugged him.
"I love you too." I told him.

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