The Fake Fiancé | Christopher

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The car slowed down to a stop as he looked out the window. "Wait... isn't this that new fancy restaurant you were talking about?" Chris turned to look at me. "I know you said we were going out to eat but I thought you meant McDonald's or something. Why are we here?" That's right. I haven't told him yet. Oh boy, he's going to freak. "Are you going to propose to me for the free dessert again?" He joked. "We don't do that all the time." I laughed.

"Wait you're not about to propose for real, are you? Finally gonna make an honest man of me, huh?" He smiled "Well, if you must know, we're going to be eating in here." He tilted his head slightly and gave me a confused look. "We're eating here? I'm uh not exactly dressed for the venue, though I did wonder why you started putting on your makeup and new dress for a fast food place." Now I really wish I had told him before. "If you saw me getting dolled up and change into something nice, why didn't you?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"I just assumed you thought one of the workers was cute." Well, I guess it's now or never. "Chris um.. tengo que decirte algo." He looked me and nodded his head, an indication that I continue. "We're actually here for Sebastián's wedding reception.." I bit my lip, nervous of his reaction. "Qué? You're not seriously telling me this, are you? Okay, what the hell are we doing here?" I sighed. "He invited me to his wedding."

Christopher isn't the type of person who doesn't normally get upset. This, however, might have triggered something in him and I don't blame him. "He invited you to the wedding? What is he trying to do? Rub in your face for the fact that he left you for this girl? You know I can't stand the guy." I know I know you can't. I'm sorry that I'm dragging you into this. "It's not like that. I told him that I found someone else." If he wasn't upset before, he's not going to like what I'm about to ask of him. "Oh? You've told him you've moved on? Con quien?" I looked down in embarrassment. "I sort of.. kind of.. made him up.."

"No you're kidding me. You made up a new boyfriend?" I nodded. "When he invited me to his wedding, I freaked and asked him if I could bring a plus two for my boyfriend and Chris, I can't go alone!" He just shook his head. "I know you're my best friend, but this means I'm aloud to call you out for being crazy." I just gave him a look and glanced at the building in front of us. "What is he called? Is this a full time imaginary friend?" I cleared my throat. "Well.. no.." I don't want an imaginary friend, I want you. Why did I agree to go to this? "Hang on.. why am I here?"

"Umm.." C'mon! You have to let him know! "Are you gonna tell him that your boyfriend was on a business trip or something? He won't be happy to see me. After your breakup we had uh.. conversation." This is so embarrassing. "No, I didn't tell him." Oh, boy. Can't he figure this out without me having to tell him? "So you haven't told him that your fake boyfriend couldn't come, okay. What will he say when he asks about your new love interest?" Is he really gonna make me say it? Well, I guess this is what I get for not informing him about this beforehand. "About that um.. I was wondering if you could.. maybe be.. my.." I can't get the words out.

"O - Oh.. you want me to be your boyfriend?" I gave him a nervous smile. "Please?" He glanced out the window and then back at me. "Um.. no." I was shocked, but not entirely surprised. "What why?" He shook his head and moved his hair away from his face. "No he already thought I was in love with you when you were dating. I'm not adding fuel to that fire." I turned to fully face him. "Please, Christopher help me out! I can't do this by myself!" I'm literally begging at this point. "No no I can't and don't pull the "but you love me and I'm your best friend" card because that has gotten me in so much trouble since we were kids."

"Aye Díos, Christopher por favor. I promise I'll make it up to you! Whatever you want!" Please don't let me go in there alone without you. This is humiliating as it already is. This is my fault. He grumbled and sighed. "Fine. Okay okay.. I'll be your Prince Charming, but you owe me a nice steak dinner, alright?" I practically jumped on him and gave him a hug. "Oh my God, gracias Christopher! I'll take you out for your steak dinner after this."

CNCO Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें