No Me Sueltes | Whoever

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'Hey, are you out right now?'

'No lol why?'

'Puedes vinir a mi casa?'

'Pero es de noche 🌙'

'No me importa lol quiero mostrarte algo'

'Will there be food? 😋'

'Of course 😂'

'Jajajaja okay then 😊 I'll see you in a few'

I sat my phone down next to me on the couch. I was currently having a lazy night to myself while watching Netflix movies and being snuggled up with a blanket. Well, looks like these plans are canceled until further notice. "Let's see what this boy wants." I laughed to myself. I stood up and walked into my room, going straight to the closet and grabbed myself a hoodie. Not mine of course, but actually his. I may have accidentally stolen it from him in the past. Oops?

Besides, he's seen me look like a hobo and still chooses to hang out with me whenever he's home, so what I have on is completely fine to me. I put on my shoes, grabbed my phone and keys and walked right out of the door.

I made my way towards my car, got inside, strapped myself in and started driving over to his place. listened to a few tunes as I was getting closer and closer to his house until I found myself right in front.

I got out of my car, locked it and made my way up the stairs. I rang his doorbell and waited for him to open up for me.

"Hey!" He said as he opened the door and greeted me with a hug. "Hey, you." I laughed and hugged him back. He pulled away and opened the door wider so I could come in. "Make yourself at home." He smiled and I walked in. "So, what was so important that you just had to show me?" I smiled while he closed the door behind us.

He awkwardly laughed and cleared his throat. "Well it's uh.. it's in my room." I raised an eyebrow. "Interesting. Okay, well lead the way." I followed after him and he stopped a moment right outside of his door. "Cierra los ojos.."

"Why?" I asked. "Just.. please?" I slowly closed my eyes. "Nothing is gonna jump out and scare me, right?" I joked. "I sure hope not." He laughed and took my hand in his. He opened the door and led me inside. "Okay, you can open them."

I opened my eyes and was surprised to see what was in front of me.

"It's a uh little picnic

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"It's a uh little picnic.. just for us two. I hope you like it.." I slowly made my way towards the pillows and the blanket on the floor while I looked around. It was dim in his room and he had his tv on, ready to play any movie or music he wanted.

I was speechless. This is so sweet. "I hope this isn't weird. I just - "

"I love it." I spoke, cutting him off. "You do?" I nodded and turned to look at him. "I do." A smile spread across his face and slowly walked towards me. "That makes me happy to know that."

We sat down on the floor while he prepared the drinks for us. "When did you get the idea to do this?" I asked. "I don't know." A small blush formed on his cheeks. "I just wanted to do something for the both of us and what better way than to have a little picnic in my house?" He laughed and I couldn't help the blush wanting to form on my own cheeks.

"Well, I'm glad you had this idea. I was promised food and now I'm about to get it." He pushed me jokingly. "Just because I promised you food is the only reason why you came?" I pretended to think for a moment and answered him. "Just about."

"You're such a dork." He smiled and grabbed my plate, placing some pasta on it. "Yeah, but you love me." He paused for a second and then continued plating the food on his plate. "Yep haha.. I sure do."

Throughout the night, we continued to laugh about our past memories as kids together and talked about our lives now while a movie played in the background. "I've missed you a lot, you know." He said. "I've missed you a lot too."

"There's another reason why I've called you over here tonight..." I tilted my head slightly. "Really?" He nodded. "For the longest, I've held this secret in and I just really need to get it out. I need you to know because it'll eat at me if I don't say it now." I waited a few moments, taking a sip of my drink. "(Y/N)..." he paused. "Yeah?" I asked him.

"I love you." He said it. He actually said it. I couldn't say anything, fear and shock evident on my face. "And I know you said that you're scared to fall in love with someone, but... it's me. We know and trust each other. I want to be with you, more than friends."

I gulped, looking down at my drink. "I'm not sure if that's a good idea. I mean, we're best friends. This... you mean too much to me and I don't want to ruin us with something like this." He reached over and grabbed my drink away from me and placed both of our glasses off to the side.

He reached his hand over and slowly lifted my chin with his fingers so we could lock eyes with each other. "All I'm asking for is a chance. I know you're scared, but this could be our chance for something better." He bit his lip and sighed.

"I don't know... I want to, I really do but what if it doesn't work? We'll lose everything between us. Our relationship, our friendship... I don't want to let you go, but I also don't want to get hurt." He cupped my cheek and slightly came forward to me, but still kept his distance. "I'll surprise you. I'll show you how a man is supposed to love a woman, if you give me that chance."

I leaned against his touch and closed my eyes for a moment. "Please..." he whispered. This moment is so intimate. I thought for a few more seconds, before I felt by head nod, accepting him. I looked up at him and saw the biggest smile come across his face. "Gracias, mi amor. I promise, I won't disappoint you.."

He glanced down at my lips for a moment, and back up at my eyes, as if he was asking for permission. I nodded and he slowly leaned in, brushing his lips against my own. I could feel his breath against me until he connected our lips together in a soft kiss. My hand reached up and grabbed onto his arm that cupped my cheek. He tilted his head to the side, deepening the kiss. It felt like we were the only two people in the world, as if time had stopped and nothing else mattered.

He slowly pulled away and our breathing was slightly heavy, as he leaned in and gave me another small sweet kiss. I smiled and looked up at him.

"No me sueltes, mi amor."

"Never, in a million years."

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