Hey, Roomie | Zabdiel 🎄

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"Hey roomie! Sorry I'm running a bit late

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"Hey roomie! Sorry I'm running a bit late. I had to run by the grocery store for some stuff. On the bright side, the apple sider was on sale so I got another bottle in case you want any... wow." I walked into our shared apartment as I held the few grocery bags in my hand and saw the decorations for Christmas already up.

"You've got all these decorations up fast like really  fast. You know I love this time of year, but I wasn't honestly expecting all of this. The tinsel, the lights, paper snowflakes... how'd you do it?" I asked as I placed down the bags and went to take off my jacket.

I started walking around and didn't hear her voice. Is she here right now? "Hola? (Y/N)? Are you home?" I walked a few steps further and found her behind the tree putting up some more ornaments. "Putting up the last touches on the tree, huh?" I asked her and she laughed. "You know it haha what do you think?"

I stood next to her as I admired her work. "It looks really nice. Necesitas ayuda con algo?" She bit her lip and shook her head. "No, pero quiero hablar contigo." I nodded, looked down for a second and noticed she was holding something. "Mind if I ask what you're holding behind your back?" She gave me a small smile. "You'll see soon enough." I grabbed a chair and sat down next to her so we were eye to eye.

"Fair enough. I'll wait... de qué quieres hablar?" She cleared her throat and her cheeks became a slight shade of pink. "I um... I heard what you said about me to Chris a few days ago. About how you felt about me..." It was my turn for my face to become red with embarrassment. "Oh so.. so – so you heard about.. okay um..." I scratched the back of my neck.

"I'm sorry... I know you've had a lot on your mind recently and I'm sure that having me being... well... me... wasn't easy for you y entiendo si estás enojado o molesto conmigo. No quería estresarte aún más than you already were and I'm sorry if I did.." I switched from English to Spanish real quick when I'm nervous. Oh God...

She didn't say anything and just continued to look at me. It made my face burn even more than it already was. "How come you never told me?" She asked. "I was kind of hoping you felt the same way. Why – Why do you ask? And what is that behind your back?" I just want this conversation to end already and just go back to pretending that she doesn't know.

She then brought her hand up above my head before I could even get a good look at what she had. "What is it? What do you – " She grabbed the collar of my shirt with her other hand, brought me closer to her body and pressed her lips against mine. My eyes widened for a moment, not quite expecting her to kiss me. I slowly raised my hand to cup her cheek and melted into the kiss.

I smiled into the kiss. Is this actually happening right now? Is my mind making this up?

We slowly pulled away and I slowly glanced up to what she was holding above the both of us. "Mistletoe... you're pretty clever, you know?" I chuckled and looked back down at her. "A little part of me think I'm dreaming but you don't have to pinch me to prove it. You... you're a weirdo, you know that right?" She placed her hand down so it rested on my shoulder. "But you're my favorite weirdo." We smiled at each other.

"Tengo una pregunta..." I told her. "What is it?" She asked. "Does this mean I get to call you mi amor or no?" She laughed and kissed me once more. "Does this answer your question?" I smiled at her and nodded. "It sure does... mi amor.." I brought her face closer to mine and placed my lips against hers. Mi amor... I like the sound of that.

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