Last One, I Swear! | Erick

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"Alright, one more!" Erick yelled as he lost another game of Mario Kart, again. "C'mon, I've - I've got it this time. I can feel it." He went to start another match, but I stopped him. "Erick, let's just turn off the game." I said. "No, I refuse to accept defeat." He got comfortable on the floor and had a frown sketched on his face. "Estas bien, mi amor?" I asked him. "No, it's fine. It's - it's all good. Everything's great." Yeah, that wasn't sarcastic at all. I looked at the time and realized how late it was. Yikes! The boys have to wake up early tomorrow for an interview. We were in his hotel room playing video games and ordered in some food to eat. We didn't realize how late it was getting. "Erick, mira." I showed him the time on my phone.

"I just.. oh.. ya son las 2:25 de la mañana?" He realized. I nodded and his head dropped. "We should head to sleep. I don't want you to be grumpy when I come back to wake you up." He sighed and slowly started to get up. "Yeah, I guess we do have to wake up early tomorrow.." I kept a smile on my face as I thought about how much Erick gets involved in this game and can never beat me. What can I say? I'm pretty damn good at it.

"Okay, fine let's go to... porqué estas sonriendo asi?" I just shook my head and stood up. "Nothing, why?" I asked him and chuckled. I went to go and grab my hotel key card. "Crees que no puedo hacerlo, ¿verdad?" He accused and I just laughed, not being able to hold it in. "How dare you." He had a small smile on his face. "It's not my fault you keep losing. You're just not that good as I am." I flipped my hair and laughed. "Alright, grab your controller. We're doing this right now." I raised an eyebrow and looked at the time once again. "Are you sure you want to do this? I don't wanna hear you complain that you didn't win against me again." I laughed. "No, don't give me that. I'll show you that I can win at least one race." He looked determined. Then again, so did the other times.

"C'mon mi amor, just one more. I'll prove myself! I know you're tired y quiero ir a dormir, but this is it. I promise." I looked at him and his eyes bore into my own. I know I shouldn't, but I can't say no to him. I mean, have you seen his eyes? They're way to pretty to say no to. "Okay, fine. Let's do it." I grabbed my controller and sat back down next to him. He went to look for a new map to start the race. "How about a little wager? To keep things interesting." He suggested and raised his eyebrow. I sat up and smiled. "Oh, you like that sound of that, don't you? Alright, loser has to.. eat a tablespoon of coffee." I just scoffed. "Is that it?"

"What do you mean that's it? It's a pretty fair bet, if you ask me." Erick defended himself. I just sat there next to him thinking about my options. I could just go to my room and sleep, like we're supposed to be doing right at this moment. Or, I could just beat him and call it a night. Decisions, decisions. "Princesa, por favor. I just wanna play." Erick whined. "Okay okay! I'll play." I said as he clicked on to start the race. I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. "Good luck." I smiled and looked at the screen, getting ready to start. "You're smiling now, just wait until I win this game. Let's do this." The intro to the track started and we both got ready.

"I'm ready. Are you ready to eat my dust? I'll be so fast, Sonic can't keep up with my speeds. I'll be sorry to even - .. oh shit." By the time Erick looked back at the screen, the race was literally 3 seconds away from starting. "You should've been paying attention." I comment. "Yeah, whatever. Shut up." And we were off. I noticed him behind already as the rest of the racers passed him up. "You know you need to - "

"Yes, I know I need to accelerate at the start." He frowned. "I can see someone is not enjoying this round as much." I laughed.

"Well, you were distracting me!"

"No I was not!"

"You did too!"

This is so childish. I love moments like this with him though. "Alright, focus. You're trying to psych me out right now, aren't you? Well, it's not gonna - don't laugh at me like that." He laughed. I can't hold it in! This is too funny! "I'm sorry, babe. I told you this would happen." He leaned in closer to the tv as I continued to win this race. "Okay, you asked for it now."

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