I've Wanted This For So Long | Christopher

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Chris and I... I don't know exactly what to call us. Best friends, maybe? I mean, we're together but not together. He flirts with me and I flirt back, but it's nothing serious between us. At least, that's what he thinks. What he doesn't know is that I've fallen in love with my best friend. The boys all think we'd be a cute couple, but he'll just laugh and say "You know I'm not looking for a relationship, bro."

Yeah, it hurts whenever he says that, but what can I do? I can't force him to settle down with anyone if he doesn't want to. Tonight, the boys are celebrating their album release and we're heading out to go and eat. I smiled at the thought of seeing him and the boys again. I asked them if it was okay if I invited a friend, and they all agreed that "the more the merrier!" So now I'm inviting my friend Fabian.

"So, who's the one that you like again? Zabdiel?" He asked and I laughed. "Well, no.. it's uh Christopher." I responded as he pulled up into the parking lot of the restaurant. "Oh! The cute one with the laugh?" He smiled and parked the car. I nodded and undid my seatbelt. "Bitch he is going to notice you tonight. You look so good. If you don't make your move tonight, maybe I will." He joked and we laughed. "Oh my God..."

We both got out of his car, locked it and walked inside the building. Immediately, we spotted the boys because we could hear Christopher's laugh from the entrance. "Hey!" They all cheered as we neared their table. We greeted them and I introduced my friend. "Oye, muchachos! I want to introduce you guys to somebody. This is my friend, Fabian." They all welcomed him with open arms and we all sat down. "How long have you known (Y/N)?" Joel asked him. "Since we were in 6th grade." He smiled and a string of "ahh's" and "oooh's" filled the room.

We all chatted amongst ourselves and I let my eyes travel over to Chris, only to find him already staring at me. His eyebrows were a little furrowed and it looked like he was in deep thought. "Hey, Chris." I smiled at him. He returned the smile and nodded. "Hola, (Y/N)." Throughout the night, we had endless laughs, drinks, and food. Everything just seemed so perfect. Except for the fact that I hadn't seen Christopher for the past 10 minutes or so. "Where's Chris?" I asked Erick. "No sé. Creo que salió." Confused, I asked him. "Dondé?"

"Afuera." I nodded and turned to look at Fabian. "Hey, I'm gonna go check on Chris real quick. I'll be right back." I stood up from my seat and walked out the door. I found him standing outside with his back towards the building. "Hey, stranger." I smiled as I made my way towards him. He turned and gave me a small smile. "Hey."

"¿Qué estás haciendo?" I asked him. "Nothing, how about you?"

"Looking for you." I told him. "Porqué? I only stepped out for a second. You were having fun with the boys and.. Fabian." He responded. "Well, I would be having more fun if you were there with me. I feel like we haven't gotten the chance to really talk tonight." He sighed. "It's not a big deal, you were busy. We can always hang out another time." I frowned. "I guess, but I really wanted to talk to you. I haven't seen you in a little while and I've missed you."

"Well, you clearly didn't miss me that much." He mumbled. Shocked, I asked him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing just.. please, go back inside with Fabian." I sighed, getting a little annoyed. "Why do you keep bringing him up? He's just a friend!" He scoffed. "Just a friend? C'mon, (Y/N). I can see the looks he gives you when you're not looking. He clearly likes you."

"Wait, hold up! Are.. you jealous of Fabian?" I asked him and he stayed silent for a moment. I chuckled and walked closer to him. "Chris, you can rest assured that there is nothing going on between me and him." He turned his head away from me and frowned. "Besides, he's not the one I want." I bit my lip and that caught his attention. "Oh, yeah? Then tell me, princesa... who is the one that you want then?" He asked me. Well... I mean, it's now or never, right?

"He's standing right in front of me..." I mumbled, not daring to look up at his gaze. It stayed silent between us as my confession must've caught him off guard. Tears started to prickle my eyes as I suddenly felt very exposed and embarrassed. "(Y/N)..."

"¿Sabes qué? Just forget I even said anything. It's fine. I know you don't feel the same." I went to go and turn away from him, when he grabbed my hand and brought me close to his body. "Please say that again.." he whispered, looking down at me. "What?"

"Tell me that it's me you want. Please..." His eyes bore into my own as I went to tell him once more how I feel. "You're the one that I want, Christopher. Always have been." He smiled and bit his lip. His hand traveled up to my neck and rubbed small circles on my cheek. "I've always wanted you too." He slowly leaned in, and paused for a second as if he was asking for permission. I nodded and he brought our lips together.

Our lips molded together as if they were made for one another. His other hand traveled up to the other side of my neck and cupped my cheek, deepening the kiss. I gripped onto his forearms and it felt like time had stopped for the two of us. We pulled away, our breathing becoming uneven. He leaned in once again and placed a small kiss on my lips again and smiled.

"I've wanted this for so long." He whispered, now playing with a strand of my hair. "So have I." He pulled away and bit his lip. "So... nothing is going on between you two?" He asked and I chuckled. "No, Chris. In fact, he's always thought you were pretty cute too." Realization dawning on him and his face turned a slight shade of pink. "O - Oh.. I didn't - " I cut him off by kissing him again. "Yeah, you dork. He's gay."

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