I Love You To Infinity & Beyond | Chris

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"Are you excited?" My mom asked me as I sat down in front of a mirror, getting my hair and make up done. I could hear my friends laughing in the background and see them twirling around in their bridesmaids dresses. I smiled and looked up at her through the reflection and nodded. "I am. I can't believe the day is actually here."

I looked outside my window and saw how dark it was getting outside. It's almost time and my heart is racing at the thought of living out the rest of my life with my best friend. She leaned down and grasped my hand into hers, rubbing small circles and sighed.

"... Okay I'm not gonna lie, I'm actually very nervous." I said. "What if everything doesn't turn out the way we planned? What if he's having second thoughts? Am I just gonna - "
"(Y/N), cálmese. Escuchame muy bien..." I glanced at her and nodded as she continued talking.

"Your father and I have always prayed that you would find someone who will love you no matter what. Someone who was willing to put in the work and treat you as an equal. When we first met Christopher, I knew he was special. He was different than the guys you would bring home to meet us in the past and I just... I knew he was going to be in our lives for a very long time. (Y/N), you have nothing to worry about. He's your soulmate, your other half... you found him."

"Mom, you're gonna make me cry and I just got my makeup done. I'm a mess. I am the conductor of the Hot Mess Express." I chuckled and fanned my face as she laughed.

"I'm sorry for getting all sappy on you, but you needed to hear it." After a few minutes, my sister had come up to me and held up her phone. "C'mon! Let's take a quick photo." She laughed as I leaned in and smiled.

"You know... Chris is gonna cry like a baby when he sees you." She joked and I laughed, nodding. "I think he might, and I think he knows it because he's told people he has no shame in getting emotional at the altar." I'm not used to being without him for a day or not speaking to him for a day. I'm curious to see what he's doing and I can't wait to see him.
After everything was set and I was practically ready, I heard a knock on my door and my mom went to go and see who it was. "Is she ready?" I heard my father's voice come through as I turned to look at him. He glanced at me and smiled, walking towards me.

"You look beautiful." I smiled as he leaned in and gave me a hug. "I can't believe the day's here." He chuckled and pulled away, tears welling up in his eyes as he finally got a good look at me. "Papá, please don't cry.." He sniffled and laughed. "I'm not crying! There's just something in my eye.."

I looked up at the clock in my room and took a deep breath in. "Toots... it's time.." My dad spoke as he held out his hand for me to take. I grabbed my bouquet of flowers and looked at myself one last time in the mirror. "Okay.. let's do this.."

We walked out of the room as everyone followed after us. One by one, the bridesmaids and groomsmen walked down the aisle until it was just me and my father. I looked up and saw him standing there. He looks so handsome...
Oh my God... I'm going to marry the man of my dreams..

I gripped onto my father's arm as we got closer to where Chris was standing. I can't believe I'm walking into my very own fairytale wedding.
I've been dreaming of a wedding like this since I was a very young child and knew I wanted to be a princess walking down the aisle. I never thought I would get it until now.

I turned and gave my father a hug and whispered into his ear. "I love you, papá... " We pulled away and handed me off to Christopher. The second I felt his touch against mine, I feel at home. This is the man I'm meant to be with for the rest of my life.

He smiled at me with tears in his eyes as we now stood hand in hand at the altar in front of friends and family. "You look gorgeous, mi amor... " I smiled at him as I heard the officiant begin speaking.

"Family, friends... we are gathered here to witness the marriage between Christopher Bryant Vélez Muñoz and (Y/N) (L/N). With the strength and beauty of this couple and their journey, I can think of no better place to celebrate their perfect day. Look at one another and remember this moment in time. In a few moments, you shall say a few words that will take you across a threshold of life, and things between you will never quite be the same. For after today, you shall say to the world - this is my husband. This is my wife. Both Christopher and (Y/N) decided to write their own vows and will share them in front of everyone.."

I felt my heart begin racing as we turned towards each other and began reading our vows. "(Y/N), mi amor... " He started off. "God gave me my happily ever after 4 years ago when I least expected it. You move me like no one else has ever done before. I knew I loved you when you would smile and laugh at all of my silly jokes." I smiled at him and waited for him to continue.

"I knew you were the one for me when you took care of my mother when she was sick. I saw how caring and nurturing you are and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and our kids in the future. I want to wake up and see you and your crazy hair in the morning. I want you to be the last thing I see before I sleep. I promise to be your best friend because you are mine. Ultimately, I want to say that I want it all with you. There's no other person I would go through Heaven and earth for than you. I love you and I can't wait to start this new chapter together and be able to call you mi mujer... "

I cleared my throat and began saying my vows.
"Chris. Cris P. Bacon. The real Chris shady. Kristoff. My nicknames for you have changed over the years, but my love for you has not." He chuckled and wiped a tear away from his eye.
"Mi amor, you are my other half. I promise I will always save you a bite of food from my plate when you're still hungry. I promise I will always celebrate you and celebrate with you. Your ups and downs, I'll be with you through it all. I dread to think of how my life would be like if I never met you. Boring is probably the word because you bring so much laughter into my life." He laughed as I took a shaky breath in.

"I'm excited to see what this new adventure with you as your wife would be like. Te amo mucho con todo mi corazón, mi amor." We each slipped on our wedding rings and looked back up at each other. This is actually happening. We're actually getting married...
His lips quivered a bit as I leaned in and wiped his tears away from his face. "Hey, I'm not afraid to cry, okay?" Everyone laughed as the officiant spoke.

"Christopher and (Y/N) have demonstrated the importance of growing roots that are deep and strong. May your marriage be stout and resilient. Christopher, you may now kiss the bride." I smiled and wrapped my hands around his neck, bringing him closer to me as our lips touched. Our friends and family cheered as he placed his hand on my lower back and brought me closer to him.

We pulled away and looked into each other's eyes, smiling. "We're married... " He moved a strand of hair away from my face and chuckled. "Mi mujer... wow... "


We all turned our attention to the sky where fireworks were now going off above us. I chuckled and leaned into Christopher's side, placing my hand on his chest as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. Everyone gathered around us to admire the fireworks as I leaned in and planted a kiss onto my husband's lips.

"I love you to infinity and beyond."

"That is so cheesy."

"I know, but it feels right."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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