Nobody Compares | Christopher

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@pretendcnco and I wrote this on Tumblr (she wrote the fluff, I wrote the angst)


Your relationship with Chris was a dream in the beginning. He was all you could have asked for in a boyfriend at the time. He was always up to have a good time, always made you laugh, and always showered you with love whenever he could. You would hear your friends call your relationship 'goals', and though you were humble to their faces, there was a part of you that really believed your relationship with Chris to be absolutely perfect. But that seems to be the case with any new relationships.

They are wrapped with a filter of perfection, blinding you from the truth, and as time went on that filter chipped and chipped and chipped until the whole facade fell away. It isn't something that happens all at once, but gradually, and you get to a point where you just wonder what the hell you're doing. You never believed your relationship with Chris would be like this. But you were rather naive back then.

Weeks without seeing him turned to months, and although you supported him immensely in his career, sometimes it became too much to be so alone. You tried to go with him on tour once, but you regretted it almost instantly. Your life was definitely not one made to travel constantly. You enjoyed traveling but not when it was a new city everyday, not being able to stop and admire the view, not being able to stop and take a breather.

You settled for your nightly facetime calls and numerous phone calls throughout the day.

But they could only do so much. You wanted to be with him and feel his touch against your skin, his lips against yours... you wanted time with him, just as every normal person would want in a relationship. However, time is something that was limited and never lasted as long as you would've liked.

"Chris..." you tried calling him through your facetime chat, but he kept talking.

"And you should've seen Erick's face! Richard - "

"Chris!" You tried again, this time catching his attention.

"Yeah, mi amor?" He asked me, concern etched in his voice. It stayed silent for a few moments, until he spoke up. "Is everything okay, princesa?"

You shook your head as you felt your eyes water. "No, Chris. Everything is not okay."

"What's going on? Talk to me, baby." You looked at him. You're about to let go of one of the greatest things that's ever happened to you, but you need this. You are doing this for the both of you.

"Sabes que te quiero, verdad?" He nodded his head.

"Si... yo también te quiero."

"Good... no te olvides, okay?" He looked at you, not quite sure what was going on.

"Okay... mi amor, what is this? What's wrong?" You frowned, but this needed to be done.

"Chris... I think we should.. take a break from each other."

Silence was the only thing heard on the other end for a while.

You put on your earrings and fixed your dress while looking at yourself in the mirror. It's been a while since you've last done this. Just gotta hope everything goes according to plan and ends okay. It's been difficult seeing his face everywhere you go. On the TV, magazines, your social media... it's like you can't seem to get him out of your mind.

"There... finished." You quickly checked yourself out in the mirror and smiled. "I look good." you chuckled. Before you could grab anything else, you heard the doorbell ring. "Oh, is it time already?" You asked yourself, quickly putting on your heels and walking over to the door, opening it and smiling. "You're a little early-" You looked up at him then, shock written all over your face. "Chris?"

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