The Things I Want To Do To You | Christopher (+18)

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There are so many filthy things I want to do to you.

But first... I want to lick.. to taste.. I want to so badly take you into my mouth. My fingers down your back, I want to watch your body twitch.

Our legs entwined, my cock buried deep inside you. I am you and you are me, we are here together in this moment. There is nothing else.

You would be warm and wet. I would dip into your ocean and explore your depths. Gently at first. I would heat your waters. We would go to places uncharted, that is if you tell me that's okay.

Anything for you.

I'm always throbbing for you, mi amor. I'm always a moment away from a near pain, yearning to be with you.

To touch... to feel... to taste your beautiful body. To spend hours with you. To feel my skin against yours and your lips on mine.

And when I fuck you, you know I will fuck you well. Soft and slow, taking care of you until I can feel your insides dripping down your legs and onto me.

You don't even have to say anything. That's when I'll start thrusting, fucking you harder. You never have to tell me, I just know.

Because this... this is our language. Reading one another's bodies, interpreting sounds... an orchestra composed of rustles and moans, of screams and cries. A whisper... a whimper... a heavy sigh...

I know all of yours and I'm going to do whatever it takes to make you give them all to me. Once I start fucking you, you'll never ask me to stop. You won't have to ask me to do anything, just be here with me.

Body to body... skin to skin...

Touch... feel... taste...

Let me fuck you. Let me fuck your beautiful body.

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