3. Grinding Halt.

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Warnings: mentions of sexual assault

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Warnings: mentions of sexual assault

Christine had spent the best part of an hour arguing with Nikki, this morning. Which, wasn't entirely strange for the pair anymore.

But, when it pertained to the ill-treatment of Christine by Nikki's fucking drug dealer, he didn't particularly want to admit defeat.

And, looking back on it as she left for her exam with a red handprint across her left ass-cheek, maybe Chris should've socked the dealer harder after he slapped her ass upon arrival to the apartment.

Her response was appropriate, of course. Because what woman wishes to be touched in such a way? By a strange, random man, no less.

It was all she could think about, too. During the sixty-five minute exam, Christine could not seem to focus on anything but the way she had been felt up.

"How was it?" Precariously, Tommy asked.


"Chris, c'mon." He followed her, grabbing at a shaky hand as she walked a little too quickly ahead of him. "Please tell me how it went."

"It was fine." She retorted sharply, pulling her purse closer to her body. "It was challenging, it was a long fucking exam, but it was fine. Is that okay?"

"I guess." Tommy mumbled, opening the car door for her. "I think you've aced it, though. You studied enough for it."


Completely thwarted, he sighed and got in beside her.

She was difficult at the best of times, but when pissed off she was on another level entirely. Christine's temper could easily out-do Nikki's, actually.

"I'm sorry about earlier, Chris."

"It's alright." She answered distantly, picking at her nails. "It wasn't your fault, it was that fucking guy. It's been irking me for hours now."

"That he touched you?"

"Well, yeah." That part was obvious. It was a given.

But Tommy sensed that something else had bothered her. Something further from the shitty response she had provided him.

"I'm just mad that Nikki didn't say anything. He could've told that other guy to get fucked, or whatever it is that he says, but he didn't. And now he's probably gonna come back, he's gonna touch me again, and he'll keep doing it until somebody beats his ass--"

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