Chapter 50: A New Life

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5 years later...

Brian P.O.V:

"Aight what you want???" I asked John.

"Ice cream!!!" He yelled proudly.

When I stopped at a red light I looked at him, "What did I say about ice cream???"

He shrugged his shoulders, pretending like I never told him this before.

"Ice cream is for girls."

His eyes grew wide, "But girls have cooties!!!"

"Exactly." I smirked.

He gasped, "I want burger with white stuff on it."

I sighed as I drove off when the light turned green, "It's ranch not white stuff."

I pulled into McDonalds and ordered our food.

I gave him a McChicken instead and he started complaining.

"Dad, what's this???" He asked.

"Food." I say biting into my wrap.

"I don't like this." He say making a sour face.

"You aint even try it. It's good for you."

"Things that are good for you taste bad."

"When has good food ever taste bad???"


I started laughin as I pulled into the park. "You aint even try it, you juss licked it."


"Your nasty." I say parking my car.

"Your nasty."

"Your nasty."

We went back and forth the whole time all the way up to the bench at the park.

"Your nasty."

"Wait daddy, can I go wee???" He pointed at the swings.

"Not yet. I want you to meet someone."

He pouted, "Your nasty."

I laughed and looked away.

"Yall cute or whateva." I heard a female voice to the left of me.

"La-La." I smiled, "How you been???"

I got up and hugged her, "I'm good... you???"

"I'm great." I looked at her knowing she lieing but brushed it off.

We let go and I looked down at her mini me. I bent down to her level. "Hey, what's your name???"

She looked up at La-La then back at me, smiling, "Angel."

"That's a beautiful name. I'm your new Uncle Brian." I motioned for John to come here. "And this is John, your new cousin."

"Hi, John." She waved.

"Hey." He said lowly.

"Why don't yall go play on the swings???" La-La said.

"Mama, can you push me???" Angel said sweetly.

"I will be over there in a minute okay???"


Her and John ran off to the playground as we sat down on the bench watching them.

She sighed, "So how you been???"

"Cut out the bullshit. What's wrong with you???" I ask.

"What makes you think somethings wrong with me???"

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