Chapter 3 /// Part 2

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Chapter 3 /// Part 2

"You're apartment is warm as fuck, ma." Billie complained as she blew whispers of hair away from her face.

"You're literally wearing a bazillion layers." Levi said and used her hand that was still playing with billie's hair to move forward and help brush the hair away from Billie's face, letting her fingers dance along her forehead. "Also I call my mother 'ma' so just know if you're gonna call me that, I'm gonna assosicate you with my ma."

Billie turned her head so her chin was resting on Levi's stomach and looking up at her. "I don't wanna be your ma...I will be your daddy though."

Levi let out a laugh and brought her hand up to billie's chin, holding it between her thumb and forefinger. "You're in such denial that it's cute." Levi moves her thumb to rub over Billie's bottom lip, slightly pressing it down to watch it bounce back up.

Billie's breath hitched as she froze.

"Now get off me, the heat from you is hotter than the devils ass." Levi laughed as she pushed Billie off her.

She knew she won. Levi one, Billie nil.

Billie snorted and sat up before grabbing the bottom of her oversized t shirt and pulling it up and over her head.  Underneath Billie has a black tank top that was just...unspeakable.

Oh shit.

The sound of Billie's chains dropping under her shirt knocked Levi out of her daze.

"It's rude to stare." Billie said to Levi over her shoulder.

It's rude To fuckin look like that. Levi thought better than not to say that. Instead she decided just to carry on and enjoy the view. Who knows how long she'll have with it.

"So what's the deal with your name, Levin?" Billie asked as she laid back down between Levi's legs. This time she lay so her back was facing The older girl and the back of her head was again resting on Levi's stomach and her hands were rested on Levi's thighs, using her nails to tickle the skin on show.

"Erm, the fuck dude. What the fuck's up with your name?" Levi returned with a scoff.

Levi bit the bullet and moved her hands up to Billie's collar bone, grazing her fingers across the area. Feeling Billie rest her head on her arm she let out a sigh. "I'm 90% sure my mum was a hippie and was high when she thought of fuckin' Levin. It's not like my dad was much better, he wanted to call me Moonshine." Billie threw her head forward and laughed causing Levi's hands to move lower down on her chest, just resting above the line of clothing on her chest.

Levi decided right then and there that there's no better sound in the world than Billie laughing.

"Seriously. My Mum always calls me a miracle baby because my dad showed up to their first date in acid washed jeans and flip flops and she still fucked him."

Billie burst out laughing again and grabbed Levi's arms, wrapping them around her neck so Levi was effectively hugging her. "Bro!"

Levi took the chance and squeezed her arms slightly So Billie was snug. "Yeah, life was not embarrassing at all growing up."

Once Billie had controlled her laughter she brought her hands up to Levi's arms which were still around her neck. She rested her hands on Levi's forearms and stroked them ever so slightly.

Levi knew Billie was a soft ass. She's a giant fuckin teddy bear.

"Tell me more." Billie mumbled, perfectly content where she is.

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