Chapter 9 /// Part 1

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Chapter 9 /// Part 1

"Levi! I need your help gorgeous girl, this piece of crap laptop has decided to bug out again, and I swear I haven't clicked on any porn ads like last time." Was what Zach chose to announce himself with this time he barged into Levi's apartment. "Levi!" She heard a further screech. Far too high of a pitch that should be able to come out of man his size. "Do you know there's a dog in your place?!" He questioned.

Rolling her eyes and walking out of her bedroom she went up to Odin and gave him a small scratch behind the ears. "He's not a dog he's my son. Aren't you my gorgeous boy? Yes you are, the best fuckin boy ever." Levi used her baby voice as Odin tried to jump up to lick his owner.

"Ok. I'm gonna move swiftly back to this and loop back ok? Because I have an assignment due in literally 12 hours and I'm about to Fuckin' cry." Zach poured and shoved his laptop into Levi's arms.

Knowing that her friend more than likely has left his assignment to literally the last few hours, she opens it up in her arms and sits down at the table she does her computer work at.

"Dude you're full of bullshit. It's just a virus my guy, I'm just gonna give it a soft reboot and I'll double check everything else is running beautifully." Levi mumbled as she tapped away on the keyboard. Not clicked on any porn ads her ass.

"Speaking of beautiful. How's the hottie?" Zach quizzed as he helped himself to some juice out of her refrigerator.

Levi couldn't contain the grin that formed on her lips. In all honesty things had been great. She quickly discovered pretty much all you need to keep Billie happy is literally just by giving her attention. Levi made sure she texts or calls her when she can, and they have a nightly FaceTime before they sleep. They also manage to see each other three to four times a week, which both girls are making the most of, knowing Billie will go back on tour again soon. "It's...good." She replied coyly, Zach does not need to know all that.

Zach laughed and poked a finger in one of Levi's dimples. "I see that grin sweetheart!"

Levi slapped his hand away and closed his laptop. "Stop touching. I dunno where your hands have been. Everything is running fine, I kept a program running it's just to detect any virus or other crap you've let infect it, just keep it running."

Zach lungs forwards and wrapped his big arms around Levi, making a show of planting a big dramatic kiss on her head. "You gorgeous little genius, you!" Laughing he pulled the laptop closer to him. "When are you next seeing her?"

Levi's smile quickly dropped to a small frown. "It was supposed to be last night, but she text me saying something came home and apologised."

"That's a shame. Everything ok? Like between you two?"

"Yeah, I mean I think so? She's texting me as normal it's just slower and not quite...Bil, y'know?"

Levi nodded and kissed his friends head one more time. "Give her time, you know how you girls are! Call auntie Zach if you need advice. Thanks, love you!" With that Zach was gone as quick as he arrived.

Levi sat back in her chair and glanced through her and Billie's texts. Something didn't seem wrong. It just seemed like something As silly as it sounds, Levi knows how the girl she's completely infatuated with texts, and it's not like she has been for the last 24 hours or so. Shrugging to herself she tapped the girls contact info and rang her, stroking Odins head as she waits for the call to connect.

Levi's eyes lit up when she heard the call connect, but it didn't last for long when she heard the quiet sniffle one the other end. "Bil?" She questioned.

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