Chapter 18 /// Part 1

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"Ok I think that's all the question's we have at the moment, but we're very impressed with what you have to offer, Miss Beckett."

Levi smiles under the mask she currently had on, letting a sigh of relief leave her body after her first real potential job interview. "Thank you."

The young woman in front of her leant forward on the table slightly. "We'll be in touch within the next week or so." The woman paused, staring directly into Levi's eyes. "Now, off the record, you're that girl dating Billie Eilish, right? What's she really like?"

Levi could tell even under her mask that the woman was grinning, causing Levi's own smile to drop. "She's uhhh...she's great?" Not leaving the time for any more questions about Billie, Levi quickly stood up and grabbed her stuff from the table, quickly shoving it into her bag. "Thanks for the opportunity. I look forward to hearing from you." Was the final thing she said before she walked through the door.

Once she was out on the street Levi took a big breath, having a quick look down to see if anybody was around so she could lower her face mask for a minute. "Are you Billie eilish's girlfriend blah blah blah." She mimicked before starting the short walk to her car.

Quickly arriving back at the vehicle, she silently sent up another thank you to any god up there for letting her find a super close space. Once she got settled in the car she pulled her mask off and went to check her phone for any messages, instead finding up an Instagram she had set up for her work was blowing up.

Levi scanned through the comments quickly, frowning that Billie's fans have somehow managed to find her work Instagram and were commenting either about Billie or asking about her. Throwing her head back in frustration she let out a groan. This Instagram was meant to be for work and future business opportunities only, she was meant to be able to put this on her profile to feature her work and give it to employers, not a place for Billie's fans. She thought interacting with them on her personal might be enough go keep them happy, but apparently not. Apparently all she is is Billie Eilish's girlfriend.

Her mood had quickly dropped as she threw her phone to the passenger seat and set off for home, knowing she was now going to have to explain her foul mood to Billie herself.


Levi has successfully dodged  her girlfriend for the past hour, deciding once she got in she would take the dogs for a long walk to try and clear her head.

"Ok what's going on, love?" Billie asked as soon as Levi walked through the front door.

"What do you mean?" She replied as she crouched down to undo Odin and Shark's harness.

Billie rolled her eyes. "You've been off with me for like 2 hours, you haven't spoke one word to me, and you didn't answer any of my texts."

Levi clenched her jaw. "I don't wanna talk about it, Bil." Without turning around she knew Billie was walking towards her, able to hear the sound of her bare feet hitting the floor. "Bil, please." She groaned again as Billie tried to wrap her arms around her, quickly working her way out of her girlfriends grasp.

"What the fuck is going on?! Have I done something?" Billie asked with a frown.

"No." Levi mumbled, walking towards the bedroom, intending to go for a nap and hope she wakes up in a better mood.

"Then what the fuck Levi, why are you being such an asshole?" Billie raised her voice at this point and Levi felt like that was all she needed to push her over the edge.

Turning on her heels so she was now facing Billie. "You wanna know what my interviewer said at the end of my first proper job interview? Huh? Oh aren't you Billie eilish's girlfriend? Like I worked my ass off to get that interview and the thing she couldn't wait to ask was about you? And then I get in the car and my work insta is fucking flooded with all your fans asking about you and saying stuff about you! Like potential employers are gonna see that! And then I realised something," Levi pauses to take a breath. "It doesn't matter where I work, I or what I accomplish, I'm always just gonna be Billie Eilish's girlfriend. Any job I get, they're gonna ask about it, anyone I meet, they're gonna ask about it."

Billie started at her girlfriend in shock, Levi having never really raised her voice fully before. "I don't get what you're so angry about?"

Levi through her hands in the air. "I'm angry because I'm always just gonna be your girlfriend! The thing people remember about me is that I'm your girlfriend!"

The two girls stood there in silence for a few minutes. "I'm not angry at you, I'm just...I'm fucking pissed off at everything. I need some space for a little bit, okay? I gotta think some things through. You're okay to go that promo thing by yourself tonight, right?" Levi said as she quickly brushed past her girlfriend and shut the door behind her, leaving Billie standing there, not quite understanding what's happening still.

Levi will explain herself better soon, guys. She's frustrated, which is understandable. Next part coming soon :)

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