Chapter 9 /// Part 2

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Chapter 9 /// Part 2

After Billie's emotional episode, as she was calling it, the girls headed back over to Levi's place at the younger girls demands. Levi thought that Billie just wanted to have sex without worrying about her family hearing, but when the two reached her apartment Billie went straight to Levi's Xbox and grabbed two controllers, insisting that Levi came to her when she needed her and now she wanted to do something the other girl will enjoy.

"I really need to know if you're joking or not, because if you are, it's a cruel and unusual joke, and if you're not...I'm gonna have to wife you up. Sorry." Levi finished with a shrug.

Billie laughed and threw herself down onto Levi's couch. "Bitch grab the fuckin controller and lemme cream you."

"Cream me? Bro I've been making grown men cry like little girls since I was 14." Levi scoffed as she joined the girl and patted the seat the other side of her for Odin to come up. "We could play GTA but it means I'd have to get my second screen out and I just can't deal with that right now. So, Call of Duty?"

"No thank you. I wanna run over bitches and hoes." Billie put her controller down on the arm of the couch. "I'll wait?"

"Are you serious?" Levi questioned only for the other girl to shrug. "Billie."

"Please?" Billie asked.

"No, I'd have to set up the screen and then we may as well just set you up an account. Call of Duty is right there!" Levi exclaimed.

"Please, love?" Billie tried once again, pouting slightly.

Levi let out a groan and closed her eyes. "You're lucky i like you, 'cos you're a pain in my ass, Eilish." With that she stood up and went to walk away.

"Wait, c'mere." Billie said before Levi could take a step. Once the taller girl stood up Billie stuck her arms out.

Levi rolled her eyes and bent down at the waist so the other girl could wrap her arms around her shoulders. "Thank you, baby." Billie said sweetly in Levi's ear before planting a kiss on her cheek and letting go.

Both girls are well aware that Billie can get Levi to do what she wants. Some people call it whipped, Levi likes to call it Keeping Your Girlfriend Happy 101.

The next 20 minutes were filled with Levi muttering to herself as she set everything up, finally giving Billie back her controller when everything was ready. As Levi presses the online button when the game loaded up, the pair sat and waited whilst the loading music surrounded the room.

The silence between them was interrupted by a loud gurgle. Levi snapped her head to the side and looked at the girl next to her. "The fuck? Was that your stomach?"

Billie shook her head side to side. "Nope, definitely not." She denied. "Must have been Odin."

Levi frowned and turned back to the TV.

The sounded happened again but dragged on a little bit longer this time. "Ok no, don't bullshit, that was you. Deadass."

"Fuck you, no it wasn't." Billie denied again. "Telling you, it's our boy."

Levi threw her hands up In the air. "He's the other fucking side of me! Billie, are you hungry?"



"I'm not!"

"Your stomach is literally talking to me and telling me different. I'll make you some food it's all good?" Levi questioned with a laugh.

Billie signed. "I feel mean though! I said we can play your game and we spent so long my stomach betrayed me and now your bitch is hungry."

Levi smiles and leant forward to place a small kiss on Billie's lips. "Ok so, I'll go make my bitch some food, then we can play. Genuinely no big deal." Levi stood up and headed to the kitchen. "Won't be long!" She shouted back to the younger girl.

Billie entertained herself by playing on her phone for a big, uploading a few pictures of Odin to her Instagram story and read the reposts the next minute of people's questions. Eventually, boredom took over so she shuffled into the kitchen, grinning at the site of Levi standing at the worktop and cutting some food, looking like she was making them each a salad.

Levi turned her head round at hearing the girl dragging her feet. "Hey beautiful. Won't be much longer then we'll feed the beast." Levi stopped for a second to laugh at herself. "It's a pan fried tofu salad, and I'm gonna flavour the shit out of it before you start moaning. I also picked up some vegan cheese and some of that sauce you said you liked the other day." With that Levi turned back around to her slicing, occasionally putting the knife down to give the pan next to her a little shake.

Billie didn't reply, instead she admired the girl, her girl work swiftly and effortless. She knew she got lucky as soon as she met Levi. Straight away she didn't just lie down and let Billie behave as she wants. She challenges her, but at the same time she gives her all the attention she needs. Billie always considered herself a very affectionate person, she likes the small touches, she likes eye contact, she likes being there like really being there, being present, with whoever she Is with. And Levi gets that. She got into it quite quickly. Billie's aware sometimes she can be hard work, sometimes she's hyper, she's loud, she's brash, but Levi seems to balance that out, and Billie loves that.

The green haired girl took a few steps and stood behind the taller girl. Reached out she wrapped her arms around Levi's waist and rested her head in between the girls shoulder blades, placing a light kiss there. Openening her mouth, Billie let out a content sigh. "You know I'm yours right? You're mine, and I'm yours."

Wassup hoes. You better all be staying safe.

Billie is SAWWWWWFFT my guys.


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