Chapter 11: Sheep, Sheep, Sheep...

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The sacrifice chamber of Sammy Lawrence. There are many cursed levels, rooms and parts of this Studio, but that part in Sammy's territory is one of the most twisted, most cursed parts in this Hellhole. Sammy and his followers, his "Chosen", would use this chamber to appease the Ink Demon. Sammy thinks that Bendy is the key for his salvation, his best way to leave his inky, deformed body behind and leave this place.
But why is this part of his domain so important for the Hazbin crew? What could be so important that they would risk their lives to reach this purgatory?


Sammy's followers would sacrifice many things to appease the great Ink Demon. For example, they would search and collect only the most rarest and most important parts this Studio has to offer. Power cores, unused tools, even weapons and the most rarest spare parts. They would even invade the territory of the fallen Angel just to find that stuff. They would search, collect and then bring it to the chamber to place it on or under one of the pedestals. In other words that large, cursed room is a pure treasure chamber.
And why is this chamber a forbidden, cursed place?
Because the sacrifices wouldnt stop there. Sammy would often order his "Chosen" to sacrifice one of their own or a random unfortunate being they have found in the dark hallways of the Studio. They would strap it on a pole inside the chamber. What happens after the ceremony is unknown, it is only known that no one who has been used as a sacrifice has ever returned.

The Hazbin crew slowly moved deeper into Sammy's territory. The hallways they have been using are wide and full of ink stains and religious symbols and pentagrams. But one thing disturbed (Y/N) the most. He stopped and gestures his friends to do the same.
Vaggie looks at him with a worried look on her face,

V: "(Y/N)? Are you okay?"

He answers with his calm voice,

(Y/N): "Vaggie, we are in Sammy's territory right?"

V: "Yes we past his borders a few minutes ago, why?"

(Y/N): "Then why arent here any Guards or why arent his "Chosen" walking around?"

The others didnt realized this. The hallways and all the rooms they have checked so far were empty. Not a single cursed or undead soul anywhere.
Husk speaks up, asking a question,

H: "You think this is a trap?"

Charlie joins in,

C: "No way. How should he know that we are here? I mean, we didnt do anything."

(Y/N): "Maybe it is a trap, maybe it isn't. All that matters is what is inside the chamber."

A: "How long do we have to walk anyway?"

V: "Not for long. *Opens her map*
Down this hallway."

This is maybe the last calm moment befor Hell breaks lose. And so (Y/N) decides to say some words of encouragement.

(Y/N): "Guys, whatever lays befor us. Please be careful and keep your guard up. They are maybe waiting for us, so don't hold back. Give them everything you got and fight like hell."

The others smiled at him and nodded.
There in no turning back now.

They reached a crossing, (Y/N) slowly peeks around the corner. And there it is. A gate frame, surrounded by pentagrams. The entrance to the chamber. They still havent seen or heard anything on their way to the chamber. No Lost Souls, no Sammy, not even some Butcher Gang members. This is without a doubt a trap.
(Y/N) walks forward, the others followed him. He looks up, there is a sign on the upper part of the gate frame, something is written on it,

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