🌻 ᴘᴛ. 7 🌻

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"There we're done!" I told him which he gladly puts down his pencil. "I hate math," Felix says. "I actually like math but my favorite class is English," I tell him.


"Yeah, that's why one day I want to a writer."

"Do you write stories?"

"Yep!" I pulled out my journal full of things to write and give it to me. Felix looks over it then looks back at me. "You wrote all this? You said to be a journalist."

"Thanks." Felix gives me back my journal then turning on his computer. "I want to watch this." He logins in and going on his hard drive. "This me and my group." I click the video and I watch.

While watching I could they're pretty good. Dancing is on point, rapping is sick, but vocals could be better. "You boys are pretty good!" I compliment him. "Thanks! After high school since I'm the only one who's still it, we're going to debut." Felix says to me.

"Know you guys are going to do really good." I smiled at him. He also shows a warm smile.

I really like Felix. Yeah sure I really don't know him that much but I can tell he's a great guy. Plus it doesn't help the fact he likes me to but I do have one question.

"Hey, Felix?" I wonder. "Yes?" He said. "Why do you like me?" I also wanted to know. I never had a crush before, I never even liked anyone. I'm the type girl to only care about school and my family so I never really wanted to make friends or meet boys.

Felix is first for everything. He's my first crush, boyfriend (Just friends), and outside friendship.

"I like you because you're different. Also, you're very pretty. All these Korean girls look the same but you're so different Nice light brown skin, body, not to mention when your hair was all curly 2 years ago. You're smart and have ambitions. I really like that in a girl."

I had to fully grasp the words he said. Does he really think that? I had never someone, let alone a boy say things like that. I feel so emotional. "That's one of nicest things anyone said to me," I told me. "Really? Boys should say it more often."

I stand up from the chair trying to stop myself from crying. Walking all of the places, Felix also gets up and comes by me.

"Hey, don't cry all I what was true things about you." Felix walks me over to his bed. We sat and for reason, my body going it on, I rest my head on Felix's shoulder.

With me doing I feel his headrest my head. This is so weird but right. I never act this way around my cousins but Narin since we're like sisters. I still feel I should get to know him more but maybe this destiny.

Uncle Jimin said he went on one date with auntie Jeongyeon, they start doing for the week and got engagement. He shouldn't have told us this because we're all little at the time but none of the wills does something like that.

"Felix do you like me?" I asked him again. "I really really really REALLY like you!" He answers. I laugh, "Felix I'll go out without. If you want?"

He quickly jumps then looks at me. "Really? Are you lying? If you are then you're breaking my heart." Felix said. "I promise I'm not. I'll never do that." I reassured him.

He just lights up, then pulls me into a hug. "I promise I'll be a great boyfriend!"

I smiled at this. "Felix we can't tell anyone about this. Not our friends and parents." I told me. He agrees and continued to hug me.

"Can we hang out next weekend?" He asks me. "Sorry I have a wedding to go to." I'm talking uncle JK and auntie IU. They wanted me to be a bridesmaid.

"Oh yeah, I forgot I have a drives test." Felix's face is cute when he forgets things. I giggle then said, "I hope you pass with flying color!"

"Thanks, Nari!"


It's the next day at my house. Just another boring Sunday. Dad in his studio while mom at work. I never said what my parents and uncles did.

Well, after disbanding dad still in the music industry by producing and writing lyrics. In fact, all of my uncles are still in entertainment.

Uncle Tae being a model, Hobi being a dance teacher, Jin is CEO of BigHit, Yoongi also is a producer, Jimin also a dance teacher, and JK is still an idol.

Mom is running her own makeup company. She the first her person to run a darker shade of makeup in Seoul. She does really well for herself. I even think she makes money than dad but you didn't hear that me.


I jump up and quickly rushing down there. They must be from there vacation!



We both ran to each other and hug. "Disneyland?" I ask her. "I had so much fun!" She answers."

"YOU!" I feel someone wraps their arms me, feeling heavy. "Next you get into a fight make sure you call me!" He nudges me. "Hi, God daddy Jackie!"

I know his name is Jackson but ever since really little I been calling them that. In return, he calls me little Lilly.

I can't help calling them that even tho mom says I shouldn't call him that anymore but I don't care.

We sit in the living room, Wang's talked about there vacation to Shanghai Disneyland.

They wanted me to go but I didn't want to miss school days but I did felt bad for Chenguang because she really wanted me to go.

"So are you going to your prom?" God daddy Jackie asked me. "Yeah, I'm only going with my cousins."

Dad looks at me with a smiling face. I had to say it for him so he won't get mad and in his feelings.

"Why weren't you going with a boy? This is the last prom and all others one you didn't go with one at all." God daddy Jackie tells me. "The hell she will. Never." Dad says.

God daddy Jackie rolls his eyes, "Why the not? I'll let Chenguang go with the boy."

"But Jackson I don't want to." Dad and god daddy Jackie looking like a west cowboy showdown.

"Nari, Chenguang, how about you two go upstairs while I talk to uncle Joonie for a while."


We both went upstairs and Chenguang talks about her vacation.

While she was talking I can't help but think about how I will tell my dad to have a boyfriend. Damn, I really hope he doesn't kill me.

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