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After the boys cleaned themselves up and got ready for bed, Harry got a call from their manager.

Harry: "hey boss what's up"

Manager: "We need to know why you've been seeing Meg a lot more"

Harry: "...she uh, just helps me relieve a lot of drama and built up stress really"

Manager: "we either think you're hooking up with her, or somethings actually wrong Harry"

Harry: "none of the above actually"

Zayn looked concerned and Harry put it on speaker so Zayn could hear.

Manager: "if we find out you're having sex with Meg her job is gone"

Harry: "she hasn't even touched me...we haven't even shook hands."

Manager: "then what's so wrong that you need to see her every morning"

Harry: "you know...sometimes things in my life are personal, and honestly, I don't feel the need to share them with you"

Manager: "we're just looking out for you"

Harry: "sure does sound like it"

Manager: "we'll see you tomorrow. get a good  night sleep."

Harry hung up the phone rolling his eyes

Harry: "my night was so good until that"

Zayn: "forget about that...he's pointless"

Harry: "yeah I guess you're right"

Zayn crawled under the covers next to Harry. Their heads resting on the headboard. Harry laid his hand on top of Zayn's and interlocked his fingers with his.

Zayn: "I'm glad you came around bub"

Harry: "and I know I came off possessive and selfish when I was pissed...but I just really care about you"

Zayn: "no baby I get it. I shouldn't have smoked it then and there in the first place. Especially with you there. I know you don't like shit like that"

Harry looked down

Zayn: "I won't do it around you...and I promise that I'll cut back. On the nicotine and the weed"

Harry looked Zayn in the eyes

Harry: "thank you babe"

Zayn pressed his lips to Harry's pulling him closer.

Zayn: "you already thanked me"

Harry blushed

Harry: "it was hot though, let's be honest"

Zayn: "best sex I've ever had"

Harry: "oh yeah?"

Zayn: "no question"

Harry didn't respond and wiped a silent tear from his eye.

Zayn: "hey babe what's wrong...we had a good night"

Harry: "it was amazing...I'm just, I feel like I take so much away from you."

Zayn: "no babe...if anything, you make me a better person. you keep me on track. without you I'd be getting high almost every night tryna cope with the fucked up management"

Harry: "I love you babe"

Zayn: "aw, I love you too haz...don't cry"

Harry cuddled close to Zayn and fell asleep in his arms. Zayn kissed Harry's head and fell asleep holding him.

In the morning the boys all met downstairs for breakfast. While Harry was filling up his plate the boys told Zayn about a prank they thought he should play on Harry.

Zayn: "what is it?"

Liam: "you should pretend like you're leaving the band"

Zayn: "guys he's gonna retaliate"

Louis: "he'll be fine..."

Zayn: "if you think he'll take it lightly, than you clearly don't know him well enough"

Niall: "cmon it's a good idea..."

Zayn: "a prank? I just got him to forgive me"

Louis: "you act like the make up sex you had last night didn't help..."

Zayn blushed and looked down at his feet

Liam: "someone had a good night didn't they?"

Zayn: "a gentlemen never tells"

Just as they finished up their conversation Harry strolled over and sat across from Zayn.

Liam: "morning haz..."

Harry: "good morning"

Louis: "sore today or what?"

Harry blushed

Harry: "oh shut up, you act like you've never rode before"

Louis gasped

Louis: "...fine you're right"

Harry laughed

Louis: "how was it"

Harry: "id rather not discuss hotel activities over breakfast, thanks though"

Harry and Louis laughed.

Niall: "but on a more serious note, did you guys fix things?"

Zayn nodded

Harry: "yeah we did"

Niall: "good, I'm glad"

Harry: "After we made up...civilly ya know, boss called"

Liam: "really whatd he want"

Harry: "he asked why I was seeing meg so much for therapy. He thought I was fucking her"

Louis laughed

Harry: "it's not funny actually...he kept asking about it. Threatening to take her job and everything"

Niall: "damn...what'd you end up telling him?"

Harry: "I said that I wasn't, and the reason I was there was to talk shit over and get all the bottled up stress out...I told him that some things in my life were personal and that I didn't feel the need to tell him"

Liam: "good honestly...I'm so sick of them getting into our buisness...they know enough"

Zayn: "honestly though...they know everything about me. they've probably seen me naked more times than Harry has"

Louis: "alright that's enough"

Harry blushed

As they finished up their breakfast Zayn walked up behind Harry at the breakfast buffet. He wrapped his arms around him and whispered in his ear.

Zayn: "you look beautiful today sunshine"

Harry smiled

Harry: "you too baby"

Harry placed a short and sweet kiss on Zayn's lips. One that he'd felt would be the last for awhile, after he and the boys decided to go through with the prank. Zayn was fully ready to blame it on Liam though.

He already knew Harry would be devastated.

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