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The boys woke up to the sound of their management rushing them off the bus and into the venue.

Harry groaned when he first opened his eyes, the light giving him a massive headache.

Zayn smiled at him

Zayn: "baby doesn't drink a lot does he?"

Harry: "no, and this is why"

Zayn: "they're yelling at us to get out of bed bub, let's go"

Harry: "I can't open my eyes, my head is pounding"

Zayn: "quit being dramatic and get inside, then take a hot shower that always helps."

Harry: "you act like I'm leaving this bed without a good morning hug and kiss"

Zayn: "if you stand up it'll be better"

Harry rolled out of bed, feeling light headed the moment he stood up right, and wobbling a little bit.

Zayn pulled him in, letting Harry's head fall onto his chest as he kissed the top of his head.

Zayn: "good morning my love"

Harry lifted his head back up and finally opened his eyes.

Harry: "good morning"

His dimples pressed into the sides of his cheeks when he saw Zayn smiling in front of him.

Zayn placed a finger under Harry's chin and brought his face gently closer and pressed their lips together in a subtle but sweet kiss.

Zayn: "I love you"

Harry: "I love the fact that you just say that to me whenever you want...gives me butterflies"

Zayn: "I like to say it at random times, just to make sure you know"

Harry: "well I love you too"

The two of them trudged off of the bus, bed head and all to get ready for tonight's show. The loud fans and bright lights wouldn't be good for Harry's hangover but he was hoping it would settle down by that time.

Harry went straight into the showers, wanting his headache to simmer. It hurt so bad it was making him nauseous.

All of the other boys took time brushing their teeth and freshening up before they headed to soundcheck and then to wardrobe.

About 20 minutes had passed, and Harry was still in the bathroom, but the water had stopped. So Zayn went up to the door to check on him.

Zayn: "bub?"

Harry: "the doors unlocked"

Zayn pressed the door open to see Harry sitting next to the toilet again, looking miserable and green in the face.

Zayn: "aw baby...I'm sorry"

Harry: "no it's my fault zayn, I shouldn't have downed the beer like that"

Zayn: "we live and we learn, it won't be the first time"

Harry shook his head and smiled a bit.

Zayn: "have you puked at all? or are you just nauseous?"

Harry: "I've gagged, but I haven't puked"

Zayn: "well you're a pro at gagging so I'm sure you'll be fine"

Harry blushed and laughed at Zayn's dirty comment

Harry: "not the time babe, not the time"

Zayn: "it was a good one though"

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