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The boys all hopped on the bus to head to another city, and they were all jumping around and excited to move on with the tour.

Liam, Louis, and Niall were excited for Zayn to pull the prank, and zayn was excited too. But he wasn't excited for the backlash that he was gonna get from Harry.

They had been on the bus for a little over 2 hours and stopped to get lunch.

Harry: "babe I'm going to the restroom"

Zayn: "okay, do you need me to come with you?"

Harry: "I'm gonna see if I can do it"

Zayn: "if you end up needing me, call"

Harry: "I will baby, don't worry I'll be fine"

Harry gave Zayn's hand a squeeze and got up to use the restroom.

When he was gone the boys were growing impatient

Liam: "z, when're you gonna do it"

Zayn: "tonight...I want him to enjoy the day first"

Louis: "you're thinking about it too much, hell probably laugh when it's over"

Zayn: "I don't think you get it...he's attached to me. Like afraid to leave my side. And I wouldn't want it any other way...I love it. But if I tell him that he's gonna get worked up. It's not gonna be just nothing to him"

Niall: "guys I agree with zayn, I'm all in for the prank but he's not gonna take it lightly at all...I talked to him the other day when it was just the two of us and he said Zayn was the person who saved him and loved him at his lowest. He told me that if zayn left him he didn't know what he'd do"

Liam: "well I guess we'll see who ends up being right tonight"

Harry came back to the table and slide next to Zayn. They finished lunch and loaded back onto the bus after taking a few pictures with fans outside the restaurant.

The rest of the day on the bus was normal. Zayn spent most of the time painting or drawing while Harry spent most of his time coming up with meaningless song lyrics in a notebook.

When it was about 9 o'clock Zayn felt it was time to pull the prank. At this point he was nervous, but he had a pretty good poker face, so he knew he'd be able to pull it off.

Zayn called everyone into the main part of the bus and told them that he needed to have a chat with everyone.

Liam: "what's up z"

Harry held Zayn's hand which made him feel even worse

Harry: " cmon baby you're scaring me"

Zayn: "so uh...I think tomorrow is gonna be my last show."

Harry: "babe wait...what're you talking about"

Louis covered his mouth in awe, to protect himself from smiling.

Zayn: "I'm leaving the band guys..."

Niall: "w-why?"

Zayn: "right now, it's just the best option for me ya know...and I love you guys. You're four of the best people I've ever met...it's just time for me to trail off and do my own thing."

Louis: "I respect it brother...go do you. It's gonna be hard, and I don't know what we're gonna tell the fans but, it's up to you. "

By this time Harry was bawling his eyes out and had moved to the other side of the room, breathing fast. He was standing up, facing the door to the bus.

Zayn noticed him say something to the driver and felt the bus pull into a vacant rest stop parking lot. It was pitch black and silent. When the bus stopped, the door opened and Harry ran down the steps into the darkness.

Liam: "I think maybe now is a good time to tell him it was a prank"

Niall: "should we all go?"

Zayn: "no...not a good idea"

Zayn also disappeared into the darkness

He walked around the entire bus to find Harry sitting against the back with his knees to his chest. He was crying loudly and covering his face when zayn found him. It broke his heart because it reminded him of a few nights ago when Harry almost died.

Zayn: "babe it was just a joke...the boys wanted me to play a prank on you"

Harry looked at Zayn in confusion

Zayn: "tomorrow isn't actually my last show, I'm not leaving the band. It was all a prank"

Harry hesitated

Harry: "what the actual fuck would make you think it was okay to do that zayn"

Zayn: "I-"

Harry: "do you realize that you're the only thing that makes me feel safe? when you're around I can be myself and happy... when you're gone I stress and panic and shake."

Zayn didn't know what to say

Harry: "you saved my life zayn. if it weren't for you I could've been dead...and that only happened a few days ago. What in the world would make you think this was funny?"

Zayn: "the boys told me I should try it and I-"

Harry: "oh quit blaming it all on them. if you didn't wanna do, you wouldn't have. and yes I'm pissed at all of you for joining in on this...but especially you. My heart started beating at 1000 miles per hour zayn."

Zayn: "I know it was wrong...I just wanted to see how you reacted"

Harry: "clearly you knew how I was gonna react...I ran off the bus a puked."

Zayn: "let's get back on and talk about this in the warmth"

Harry: "there's nothing else to talk about"

Zayn: "I love you"

Harry: "I never stopped loving you. That's why this broke my heart. And yes I'm glad it's fake because I don't want you to go anywhere...but bringing this up at all wasn't wise"

Harry walked away to get back on the bus while Zayn stayed back to light a cigarette...not caring who saw. When Harry came on the bus he ignored all of the boys and went straight to his bunk.

The decided to go look for Zayn

When they got out there they saw him smoking.

Liam: "z you smoke?"

Zayn didn't even bother hiding it

Zayn: "yeah I  have for awhile, I just hid it well."

Louis: "does Harry know that"

Zayn: "yeah he's the only one who knew before you guys just found out...but I don't give a fuck right now cause that ruined him and he hates me"

Niall: "he definitely doesn't hate you...he might hate us but that's besides the point"

Zayn: "I was gonna sleep with him tonight but I guess I better not"

Liam: "we're sorry brother..."

Zayn: "I knew he'd respond like that but I was stupid enough to go through with it anyway...I shouldn't have."

All of the boys nodded and headed back onto the bus to get to bed. Zayn's bunk was right above Harry's so before he went to sleep he peeked his head in.

Zayn: "hey baby I figure you don't want me to sleep with you...but I- uh- I love you and I'm sorry. Sleep well"

Harry: "see you in the morning"

Zayn frowned at his response, or lack there of. But climbed into bed alone for the first time in a few days.

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