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That night was a rough one for some reason. Only two hours after Harry fell asleep he woke himself up breathing heavy with tears rolling swiftly down his cheeks.

Zayn was a light sleeper, and it woke up to the slightest sound, so Harry's sobs woke him up almost immediately.

When he lifted his head to comfort Harry, he noticed his eyes were still closed. Confirming it was a bad dream. Zayn shook Harry awake and cradled him in his arms.

Harry's eyes fluttered open and they were wet with tears.

Harry: "I-I don't know w-hat happened z"

Zayn: "shhh it was just a bad dream baby, close your eyes"

Harry: "no but I r-remember what it was"

Zayn: "what was it hun?"

Harry: "y-you left me...f-for Liam"

Zayn squeezed Harry closer to him

Zayn: "shit, I'd never in a million years do that babe. he's not even half as good looking as you are, so calm down"

Harry's breathing slowed to a normal rate as Zayn held him. Harry wiped the remaining tears off his cheeks and nestled closer into the crook of Zayn's neck.

Harry: "I hate myself"

Zayn was caught off guard by Harry's comment...

Zayn: "babe, what in the world possessed you to say that?"

Harry: "z, there's so many other attractive people out there...you're literally perfect. You could have anyone you wanted, but you're here with me. I just don't get it sometimes"

Zayn: "...and I just don't get why you doubt yourself so much Harry. You're the most amazing human being that I've ever met. You have a glowing personality, and don't even make me mention how beautiful you are."

Harry: "but I've been so fucked up mentally lately...you've devoted so much of your time to making me happy. That shouldn't be your job. You're fucking 19"

Zayn: "but I don't see it as a job haz...I see it as taking care of someone that I know I wouldn't be able to live without. That's totally different, and if I didn't wanna do it, I wouldn't. But I love you, so much and I want you happy."

Harry: "but you need to be happy too z"

Zayn: "I'm over the fucking moon whenever we're together...you make me the happiest man alive Harry. I promise you that"

Harry: "I don't know why I doubt myself...I-I just worry that I'm gonna lose you"

Zayn: "you're not gonna lose me until the day that I pass...I'm never leaving you."

Harry let out a sigh that sounded like he'd been holding it in forever

Zayn: "okay?"

Harry: "you promise?"

Zayn: "I do, with every ounce of my being"

Harry: "I love you baby"

Zayn: "I love you too, so quit doubting that"

Harry: "okay..."

Zayn: "now close your eyes and get some sleep, I'll be right here when you wake up"

Harry shifted to bury his face deeper into Zayn, melting into his embrace as he drifted back off to sleep.
In the morning Zayn was jolted awake by Harry pressing his lips on Zayn's.

He lifted off when Zayn's eyes opened hazily

Harry: "morning my handsome baby"

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