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They all stared at Zayn after he'd just gave an entire speech before one of them spoke up.

Niall: "I'm sorry mate, you're right, let's talk about something we all like"

Louis: "let's talk about the arena"

Liam: "it's massive"

Zayn: "that's why I'm a little bit on edge...it's huge in there"

Niall: "but it's dope that all of those fans are coming to see us"

Louis: "most of them are coming to see you and Harry"

Louis glanced at Niall

Niall: "no, we're all someone's favorite."

Zayn: "a lot of them love you Louis"

Louis: "id like to think so"

Liam: "they're all in love with Harry, they throw bras at him and everything"

Harry stayed staring at his plate, not wanting to enjoy the conversation, just picking through the salad he'd ordered.

Zayn knew he was uncomfortable so he placed his hand on Harry's thigh and squeezed, signifying that he was there.

Niall: "mate I know, at the last show a girl threw a pink bra at him and it was huge"

Louis: "alright Niall, don't get ahead of yourself now"

They all chuckled and glanced over at Harry who hadn't said a word the entire time.

Niall: "you good lad?"

Harry looked up, questioning if it was him they were talking to.

Harry: "me?"

Niall: "yeah"

Harry: "I mean...yeah"

He shrugged his shoulders, setting his hand on top of Zayn's hand that was still gripping his thigh.

Zayn: "what do you say we all go back to the bus and watch a movie?"

Liam: "I like that idea"

Niall and Louis shook their heads in agreement.

Zayn: "you okay with that bub?"

Harry leaned into Zayn's embrace to whisper to him.

Harry: "I wanted alone time..."

Zayn: "we can cuddle on the couch baby cmon"

Harry: "fine"

Harry got up and walked off to the bathroom, a little upset still, but slowly getting over it.

Niall: "he seems mad still?"

Zayn: "he'll be fine, he just went to the bathroom"

Liam: "it seems like he's getting better at being alone"

Zayn: "he is yeah...it kinda makes me sad"

Louis: "why? he's not up your ass all the time"

Zayn: "yeah but I never saw it like that...I don't know, I liked keeping him safe. It felt nice"

Niall: "aw Zayn's in love"

Liam rolled his eyes and looked away, disgusted at Nialls comment.

Zayn: "I'm sorry he's not talking to you guys, he's just stubborn, we all know that"

Niall: "yeah I know he'll come around"

Louis: "eventually, but what'd he say about the movie?"

Zayn: "he wanted alone time, but he'll be fine guys"

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