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Up in the room, Zayn stirred in his sleep and jolted himself awake. He reached out to grab Harry and cuddle him close, but when he couldn't feel him, he sat up instantly. His head feeling dizzy from the sudden movement.

Zayn: "ah fuck" he was holding his head.

Zayn: "Harry?! Where are you baby?"

Zayn looked toward the door and noticed Harry's shoes were gone, but his phone was on the floor, not where it left it before they went to sleep.

Zayn checked the clock and noticed that it was 2:30 in the morning.

Zayn: "shit...what the fuck happened?"

Zayn raced toward the elevator and went down toward the lobby.
In the lobby Louis was about to walk out the door to bring the drink Harry as he watched Zayn rush out the elevator.

Zayn: "Lou, have you seen Harry?!"

Louis put his hand on Zayn's chest to stop him from going any further.

Louis: "yes, he's safe Zayn. He's with Niall. I don't think it's best if you see him right now okay?"

Zayn: "he's my fucking boyfriend...I need to see him. Why'd he leave?!"

Louis: "some things happened, he's just confused okay? give me two minutes. let me take this drink to him and I'll come back and get you."

Zayn took the drink out of Louis hand

Zayn: "no, he doesn't need that. where is he?"

Louis turned and reluctantly allowed Zayn to follow him.

When Zayn saw Harry's tears his entire demeanor changed. He became the sweet and sensitive zayn that Harry admired.

Zayn: "hey baby...I-I'm here now"

Harry: "I don't wanna talk right now Z...I-I can't"

Harry got up and ran back inside, finding the lobby bathroom and locking himself in a stall.

Zayn threw his head in his hands.

Zayn: "someone please help me? what happened, I-I literally just kissed him goodnight like three hours ago?"

Niall: "it's a lot to take in...and it's neither of our place to tell you z, I'm sorry"

Zayn: "fuck, he wouldn't even look at me"

Just then Liam came outside and found the boys. He winked at Zayn, thinking Zayn heard his message earlier, but Zayn completely ignored it.

Liam: "Harry asleep?"

Zayn: "no actually, he's pissed the fuck off at me and won't even look me in the eyes to tell me why he's crying. I- I'm so lost."

Zayn started to feel tears form in his eyes and wiped them away.

Niall didn't say a word and brushed past Liam, shoving him a tiny bit as he walked by. Not bothering to turn around and apologize.

Liam: "woah what's wrong with him?"

Louis: "your place to ask him Liam"

Liam: "why doesn't anybody just tell me? it's all, "go figure it out yourself"

Louis: "because some of us know how to be good people"

Liam: "what the fucks that supposed to mean?"

Louis: "interpret it how you want."

Louis walked off and followed Niall to the bathroom to check on Harry, leaving Liam and Zayn outside.

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