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Harry pulled away from Zayn and turned away. Trying to remove the thought of Liam talking dirty about his boyfriend out of his head.

Zayn: "Harry did I...did I hurt you?"

Harry: "z...I don't know yet...and-and I'm so fucking afraid to find out"

Zayn: "I don't understand bub...w-we had the best night last night"

Harry sighed and turned to face Zayn, but looked down at his feet instead of in his eyes.

Zayn: "look at me baby"

Zayn placed his finger under Harry's chin and lifted his face in order for their eyes to meet.

Zayn: "I love you. I love you more than you'll ever know Harry. But for me to be able to fix this, I need to know what happened, what I did, or what anyone else did that I need to take care of. That's what I'm here for during times like these babe, to take care of you."

Harry: "I...I'll tell you soon. After the show. I'll sit you all down...a-all f-five of you, and explain i guess"

Zayn: "if this is just about me, I don't wanna solve it with them in the room haz...please"

Harry: "it's far from being just about you z"

Their conversation was cut off by knocking on the door.

Liam: "you guys okay in there"

Harry felt his ears get hot and he faced away, not wanting to hear Liams voice whatsoever.

Zayn: "were good li, thanks"

Harry winced at the nickname Zayn called him. They all called him that, but for some reason today, it just bothered him, and Zayn noticed.

Zayn: "I won't call him that if it bothers you"

Harry: "no...you uh...you've always called him that, it's uh...it's fine okay"

Harry shut the water off stepped out of the shower, drying himself off. Zayn followed right behind him.

Zayn: "your body looks amazing"

Harry blushed even though he was still visibly upset.

Harry: "thanks...you too"

Zayn: "will you kiss me baby...I miss your lips"

Harry: "we can decide when I figure all this shit out later..."

Zayn: "if you're gonna kiss me or not?"

Harry: "it...it honestly depends on the outcome z. I love you though, you know that okay?"

Zayn looked down at his feet, defeated.

Zayn: "I want you bub...my bub, not this upset, fragile Harry that won't even kiss me."

Harry: "after what I heard last night zayn, I have no other choice"

Harry was dressed and stormed out the door, his wet curls falling on his face.

Zayn shut the door behind Harry, staying in the bathroom, and going through all of the possibilities as to why his boyfriend was upset with him.

They had 20 minutes before they had to be in wardrobe, and he spent every last second he could in the bathroom crying, trying to reason with himself, and figure out how to put on a show when he felt so defeated.

Someone knocked at the door.

Liam: "hey z, it's Liam, can I come in"

Zayn: "I'm not in the mood Liam"

Liam: "cmon...just let me in"

Just then Zayn heard Harry come closer to the door.


Liam: "I-I'm Sorry...I didn't k-know"

Zayn opened the bathroom door to find Harry and he'd already gone. Liam was standing there with Louis, visibly confused and agitated.

Liam: "why the fuck did he scream at me like that?"

Louis: "everyone just needs to be separated right now."

Zayn: "did you guys let him go alone?"

Louis: "no Niall went with him"

Liam: "he's a big boy zayn, he can fend for himself sometimes"

Zayn: "shut the fuck up Liam. I don't wanna hear it from you."

Louis: "both of you quit. everyone's so fucking hostile. separate and chill out please"

Wardrobe and soundcheck went slow, mostly because nobody said a word to each other. And if they did, it wasn't nice.

Half the time Louis had to flick Harry from holding a death glare against Liam, and keep Liam from making smart comments that were totally unnecessary.

Before they knew it, it was time for the show. Each one of them, despite their attitudes had a job to entertain these fans, and they'd stop at nothing to do that.

When they hit the floor of the stage Zayn looked at Harry, and as always his dimples were gleaming at the crowd and for a split second he felt like everything was gonna be okay.

They sang well, it wasn't their best show though since they were all on edge.

When the show was over they ran back to the dressing room and changed, showered, and did what they needed before loading back onto the bus.

They had one more night at the hotel, and then they were off to another city in the morning.

When they all settled on the bus, Harry sat with Niall, Zayn sat by Louis, and Liam sat alone. Nobody talked, it was silent the entire ride. The only sound being a text tone from Harry's phone. When he checked it, it said "my baby🥵" and he reluctantly picked it up.

Zayn: "I know you're mad baby. But you sang beautifully. Loved seeing your dimples for the first time all day. <3 -z"

Harry: "thank you...you were amazing too, as always"

Zayn: "you gonna tell us when we get back"

Harry: "spent all day trying to find the right words without being too harsh...but I've got some sort of a speech if that's what you wanna call it."

Zayn: "gonna hold my hand while you tell us?"

Harry: "I can't z...not until I have answers."

Zayn: "I understand. Love you bub"

Harry: "feelings still mutual."

Harry put his phone down when they reached the hotel and stood up immediately. They didn't bring their bags in, just a change of clothes for the morning and they headed inside.

Niall: "lads, Harry wants to give everyone an explanation in him and Zayn's room in about 5 minutes..."

Liam: "good we all need one"

Harry rolled his eyes at Liam, and they got into the elevator.

Harry stood as close to Niall as possible, and as far away from Liam as he could. Not wanting to make eye contact with anyone around him.

When they got upstairs Liam,Louis, and Niall went to their room and Harry and Zayn did too.

When they got inside Harry took his shirt off, sweating from how nervous and irritated he was. He'd always been shirtless around the boys, and he didn't really care.

Zayn: "I know I'm not making it any better, but you're hot when you're mad"

Harry: "good"

Zayn smiled at Harry and finished brushing his teeth before hearing a knock at the door and letting the boys in.

Harry's heart was beating out of his chest. One, because he was angry. Two, because he didn't know if his boyfriend was being unfaithful and that scared the shit out of him.

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