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Zayn was up and couldn't fall asleep after the night he had. He heard Harry twisting and turning in his bunk below him, and it broke his heart that he couldn't cuddle him, and help him drift off into sleep.

Harry finally quit moving and zayn relaxed. It was the first night that Harry was sleeping without Zayn next to him since the incident, and he didn't know how Harry would do.

When Zayn finally started to doze off and fall asleep he heard crying and it jerked him awake. He threw his shirt over his head and jumped down. He knew it was Harry's cry, he's heard it multiple times. He could also tell that Harry was trying to hide his sobs by burying his face into his pillow.

Zayn pulled the curtain away

Zayn: "babe I'm right here"

Harry didn't respond but kept crying

Zayn: "do you need me?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders as if he wasn't sure.

Zayn: "do you want me to leave you alone?"

Harry shook his head no with a concerning look on his face.

Zayn: "okay okay I'm here..."

Zayn climbed into Harry's bunk and pulled him in to lay on his chest. Harry was still crying loudly and zayn played with his curls to calm him down.

Zayn: "if you needed me baby, why didn't you just come get me?"

Harry: "cause I'm supposed to be mad at you...and I'm pissed. So fucking pissed that you thought that was okay...but I can't sleep without you next to me Z. That's why I was flipping all over down here trying to go to bed but I couldn't"

Zayn: "I'm sorry I hurt you Harry. You don't even know how much I regret that. But I make mistakes too, and I just want you to forgive me"

Harry: "but I-...you're right. I'm sorry I overreacted. But that would've killed me if that was true."

Zayn: "I know baby but it's not, and I'm never gonna leave you."

Harry lifted his face to signal to Zayn that he wanted a kiss.

Zayn smiled at him and pressed their lips together.

They laid in silence in eachothers embrace for a few minutes before Harry piped up.

Harry: "babe can you take your shirt off, it's bothering me that you have it on"

Zayn laughed

Zayn: "yeah I'm sorry, I didn't want anyone else to see me climbing into your bunk almost naked"

Harry: "they all know we fuck anyways"

Zayn: "yes but I stand by the fact that they'll never catch us in the act."

Harry: "you mean like the time that you caught me jerking off?"

Zayn: "shit yeah I remember"

Harry: "that was the most embarrassing moment of my entire life"

Zayn: "yeah but looking back on it now, you've grown down below"

Harry: "oh shut up...you didn't look back then anyway"

Zayn: "Harry I've had a major crush on you for years...I looked at it. And couldn't get it out of my head"

Harry: "aww babe that's kinda cute"

Zayn laughed and hugged Harry closer.

Zayn: "babe"

Harry: "I'm still awake"

Zayn: "If you ever feel a panic attack coming on again, please come get me next time. I don't care if it's 3 in the morning."

Harry: "I will...I didn't this time because I was mad at you. I just- z, I wanna be able to do things on my own but I- I don't think I can anymore."

Harry started to whimper

Harry: "like, I can't even lay in a bunk, right underneath you without feeling like I'm drowning."

Zayn: "it's okay babe...listen, it's gonna get easier as time goes on. You'll start to feel more like yourself. You'll hardly even need me"

Harry: "don't say that."

Zayn: "what do you mean I-"

Harry: "I am always gonna need you Zayn. And yes it'll get better. I'm sure I'll heal. But no matter how self dependent I get, I'm always gonna need you"

Zayn: "...I know baby."

Harry: "oh and one more thing"

Zayn: "whatever you need"

Harry: "I'm so thankful for everything you've done zayn. that's why I've been so protective and sensitive. because nobody has cared for me the way you do. ever in my life. so thank you."

Zayn: "I love you baby. And I'm here for whatever you need. And whenever you need it. I promise. Now get your ass to bed, we have a show tomorrow"

Harry: "kiss me please"

Zayn bent down and pressed their lips together a few times before laying his head back and closing his eyes.

The bunks were small. There wasn't much room for the both of them. But zayn loved it. He loved how close he could hold Harry. He loved the way his curls tickled his face. And he love the way he could feel his heart beating on his own chest.

Zayn ran his hands through Harry's curls until they both fell asleep.

It was about 2 am when they finally dozed off. And they had to get up at 8 to get ready at the venue.

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