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all of the boys were in good spirits after Harry and Liam decided to talk things out between the two of them. Harry would never forget what happened, but he figured that everyone made mistakes, and it wasn't fair for him to hold a grudge for that long.

Zayn tried to grab Harry's hand, numerous times, but Harry wasn't paying attention. He was having a conversation and a laugh with Niall.

Zayn got impatient and flicked Harry's ear.

Harry: "ow! what was that for?"

Zayn: "I've been trying to hold your hand bub"

Harry: "aw is zayn jealous I'm not giving him attention?"

Zayn: "you know what, forget it, I don't wanna hold your hand"

Harry laughed and gripped Zayn's hand and intertwined their fingers together before leaning over and kissing his cheek.

Harry: "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention but, jealous zayn is kinda hot if I'm being honest"

Zayn: "I wasn't jealous"

Harry: "keep telling yourself that babe"

Zayn: "you get jealous too"

Harry: "yes, a lot, we had this conversation remember?"

Zayn: "I know I can't have every bit of you attention all the time, but that doesn't mean I don't want it."

Harry: "you're adorable"

They boys all made it to soundcheck and were given their mics. The stadium was huge today, and they couldn't believe the show had been sold out.

Niall: "it's crazy that all of these people are coming to see us act like idiots"

Louis: "I think it's because we're not like the typical boy band...we're 5 crazy teenagers that don't give a fuck"

Harry: "it makes me feel like I'm doing something right when all of these people are smiling at us singing...I don't know, I love it"

Zayn: "it's crazy that's for sure"

Liam: "my favorite part is when people throw random shit on stage"

Harry: "back to the bra conversation we go"

Niall: "they're always thrown at you Harry"

Zayn: "if they only knew he didn't like boobs"

Zayn smacked Harry's bum

Harry: "yeah if management knew we'd have no heads so I'd like to let them throw bras at me instead"

Louis: "Someone threw panties at Zayn once"

Zayn: "oh my god yeah...I was like...how the fuck did you even get those off in that crowd."

Harry: "I'm just hoping it wasn't a 13 year old"

They all laughed before taking their places on the stage for soundcheck.
After soundcheck the boys went to wardrobe and got styled. Hair and all.

When Harry walked out from getting his hair done, Zayn was finished and staring at himself in the mirror. So Harry walked up behind him and hugged him from behind.

Harry: "stop messing with your hair, you look amazing"

Zayn: "thank you bub"

Zayn turned around and looked Harry up and down. He stopped when he got to the jeans.

Zayn: "I don't like them"

Harry: "what? why?"

Zayn: "your bulge is so visible"

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