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When the boys woke up they were at the venue, and rushed off the bus after brushing their teeth and quickly getting dressed. It was only 9 in the morning, and Harry was up late from panicking, and his eyes hurt from crying.

They boys had to get ready to get off the bus as fast as possible, not allowing Zayn and Harry a proper good morning.

When the boys got inside they were pressed into the dressing room to get showers in a wider space and clean themselves up before soundcheck and wardrobe.

Zayn was the first into the showers, he couldn't stand feeling dirty and he had to be clean and smell good for the meet and greet before the show.

When Zayn and Harry were both done, clean, and dressed Harry joined Zayn on the couch.

Zayn placed his arm around Harry and pulled him in.

Zayn: "I'm afraid we didn't get the chance to share a proper good morning."

Harry chuckled under his breath

Harry: "everything's so rushed in this place..."

Zayn: "believe me...I know"

Harry: "but, good morning sunshine"

Harry looked up at zayn with a smile on his face

Zayn: "good morning handsome"

They pressed their lips together in a long awaited "good morning kiss", but pulled away shortly after to spare the other three boys from witnessing their affection.

Zayn: "you excited for the show and the meet and greet?"

Harry: "I love meeting fans, so yeah I'm pumped"

Zayn: "you look excited"

Harry blushed

Harry: "you make me excited..."

Zayn: "how?"

Harry: " because our lives are far from normal to begin with...and being with you just adds to the surprise. it's something new everyday with us, and I love it."

Zayn: "you excite me too babe...and you definitely push me outside of my comfort zone"

Harry: "I try my best"

They laughed and Harry linked his fingers with Zayn's. They sat in silence for a few minutes.

Harry: "ya know...if you wouldn't have saved me that night, this could've been completely different."

Zayn: "and that's something we both shouldn't be thinking about...because everything happens for a reason, and that's why it happened the way it did"

Harry: "yeah I know...but one choice can affect everything"

Zayn: "it's the scary truth that we all have to live with...especially us, with being in the public eye twenty-four seven."

Harry: "I feel like I have no control over my life. Like everything I do is under watch. Ya know?"

Zayn: "Im afraid I do. But it's what we signed up for"

Harry: "I would've never signed up for it, if I knew my entire life would be taken away. Half the time I'm portrayed to the public as some flirt that has 6 girlfriends...and I'm not even fucking straight"

Zayn laughed, but tried to hide it

Harry: "it's not funny babe"

Zayn: "I'm not laughing at that, I'm laughing at the straight comment...cause man you're the farthest thing from it"

Harry didn't reply

Zayn: "I know this is what caused you to break in the first place...but I'm here now baby, and I better never catch you cutting like that again."

Harry: "I promise that won't happen, as long as you're around"

Zayn: "what happens when we're apart bub?, you can't be harming yourself like that"

Harry: "I'm hoping by the time we end the tour I'm a little better about being attached..."

Zayn: "I'm sure you'll heal soon baby"

Harry: "I just hate not being myself, I hate lying to everyone. I just want the world to know that you're mine z"

Zayn: "and honestly, who gives two fucks if they do Harry. If you wanna tell them, do it. Who's gonna care?"

Harry: "you wouldn't care?"

Zayn: "no I wouldn't care...I have you and that's all I need to validate the way I feel. So don't question that okay?"

Harry: "what about our fans though?"

Zayn: "if they're true fans they'll stop all the Larry shit and support us for being us...and if not, so be it."

Harry: "but if the fan base shrinks, the lads are gonna be pissed at us babe"

Zayn: "I. Don't. Care. They'll get over it"

Harry: "so you want me to tell them"

Zayn: "the quicker I can show you off, hold your hand, and kiss the fuck out of you in public, the happier I'll be. And I'll just leave it at that"

Harry was gonna respond before a knock sounded at the door, initiating them to get up and get moving for sound check.

Harry: "since the rest of the nights gonna be hectic as fuck...just know that I'll be thinking about you the whole time"

Zayn: "the feelings always mutual babe"

Harry: "I love you"

Zayn: "love you more"

They shared a quick kiss and were thrown out the door onto the stage for sound check.

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