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The boys strolled out of the hotel room, Harry gripping Zayn's hand to keep him from walking too fast.

Zayn: "you excited for our first real date night babe?"

Harry's cheeks flushed a bright shade of pink

Harry: "Im just excited I get to be with you, date or not"

Zayn: "couldn't pick a more perfect idea though, how'd you find the star thing?"

Harry: "I've had places like that saved in my notes for awhile, I just never showed you"

Zayn: "so you planned for this?"

Harry: "few weeks ahead yeah...I couldn't wait"

Once the got in the elevator Zayn leaned in and pressed his lips to Harry's.

Zayn: "I love you baby"

Harry: "I love you too"

Harry walked out before Zayn and Zayn slapped his bum on their way out, careful for the paps not to see.

Zayn wanted it to feel like a real date, so instead of getting driven to dinner, he drove. So it was just him and Harry, for real this time.

He placed on hand on the steering wheel and linked the other with Harry's over the center console.

On the way to dinner they listened to music and sang to each other, barely having any conversation in between.

Zayn got a private room for the two of them at the restaurant, away from any fans or paparazzi. So they could be as affectionate as they wanted without being exposed.

Zayn: "we're here, ready handsome?"

Harry: "I'm so ready"

When they got inside they heard screams from all around the restaurant and decided to stop and say hello to a bunch of screaming fans before making their way to the secluded dining hall, kept just for them that night.

Zayn pulled Harry's chair out for him and slid him in.

Harry: "quit being such a gentleman, you're making me blush"

Zayn: "it's my job haz"

Harry: "what is? Being a gentleman or making me blush?"

Zayn: "well...both"

They laughed before the waitress approached their table asking for which drinks they'd like.

Harry: "I'll take a water please"

Zayn: "same here"

Harry: "you could've gotten wine babe, I would've driven"

Zayn: "no, alcohol makes me non present...I-I don't wanna be that way tonight"

Harry: "god what did I do to deserve you?"

Zayn smiled and linked their fingers across the table

Zayn: "plus I know you don't like when I drink a lot"

Harry: "it's not my choice, I can't tell you whether or not to do that"

Zayn: "but it matters to you, am I right?"

Harry: "only when it's a lot, and you can barely even talk to me, let alone stand"

Zayn: "that's only happened a few times since we've known each other...and once since we've been together"

Harry: "I know and I hate it, but who am I to tell you no"

Zayn: "you're my boyfriend, that's who, and as much as you think you're changing me, you're not. I'm still the same Zayn I was two months ago, 2 years ago too...I just matured. A-and you helped me do that"

Harry's Hero (z.s.)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon