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Liam walked over to Harry and pulled his sleeve down.

Liam: "you're never gonna get to that point again Harry"

He spun Harry around to face him

Liam: "right?"

Harry hesitated

Harry: "...yeah you're right"

Louis: "now lets get you to zayn okay?"

Harry looked flustered and he knew zayn wouldn't wanna talk to him. Clearly he was mad at him.

Harry: "h-he's not gonna wanna t-talk to me guys..."

Louis: "do you have any idea why?"

Harry: "I literally have no idea"

Louis rubbed Harry on the back

Louis: "I'm sure you'll figure it out...he can't stay mad at you"

Harry rubbed his eyes. He felt defeated. He wanted nothing to do with performing tonight. He had no desire to entertain the crowd.

They walked off to sound check, Harry moping behind them on his phone.

Liam: "haz what're you looking at?"

Harry: "nothing, just asking my mum for advice"

Liam: "she saying the same shit that we are"

Harry: "basically just telling me to let it blow over"

Liam: "great minds think alike haz"

Harry smiled a fake smile and stuck his phone in his back pocket.

When they approached the stage they heard Zayn warning up already. He had his mic up to his mouth and he was singing the intro verse to little things.

you're hand fits in mine like it's made just for me, but bear this in mind it was...meant to be.

Harry heard zayn doing his vocal warmups that he always did and he stopped walking. He walked toward the wall and leaned his forehead up against it and just kept listening to Zayn's angelic voice. He knew that's all he'd be hearing for awhile, because zayn wouldn't talk to him.

Louis: "Harry cmon we've gotta get out there"

Harry: "you lads go on...I'll meet up with you, I'm just listening"

Louis: "to zayn?"

Harry: "mhm"

Louis: "you can listen to him on stage cmon"

Harry: "shut up and leave me alone please...this is the only thing I have of him right now. He won't talk to me"

Louis: "but you know for a fact when he sings this he thinks of you..."

Harry: "that's why I just wanna listen...so please go"

Louis sighed and the three walked toward the stage for sound check.

Harry continued listening to Zayn warm up his notes in "little things" and "change my mind".

He felt a tear escape and wiped it before more could follow. When he heard the sound crew ask where he was at, he figured it was time to get moving.

When Harry made it back stage he picked up his mic with the green tap surrounding the end. He walked around the back and headed onto the stage.

Chris, the sound manager was elated to finally see him

Chris: "Harry! I was wondering where you were"

Harry: "yeah, sorry I was lis-...I was uh, ya know it doesn't matter."

Chris: "you good man?"

Harry didn't reply verbally but just shook his head in a lie.
Soundcheck concluded and Harry made no effort to talk to Zayn. He knew he wouldn't comply anyways. When it was over, Harry completely disregarded the boys and walked outside.

Liam went to check on him.

Liam: "haz it's gonna be alright"

Harry ran his hands through his hair

Liam: "wanna smoke with me?"

Harry: "I don't usually...but, eh why not. It might help"

Liam lit the cigarette and handed it to Harry. Harry placed it between his lips and inhaled before blowing out.

Harry let tears roll down his face before handing the cigarette to Liam

Liam: "you don't want it?"

Harry: "reminds me of zayn...I cant"

Liam sighed and sat down on the stair next to Harry outside.

Harry: "I just want him to talk to me...and he-he won't"

Liam: "do you want me to try and talk to him?"

Harry: "you don't have to..."

Liam: "I will. Cause I know how much this hurts you"

Harry: "it's like I'm drowning when he's not around me..."

Just then Niall came out to get them.

Niall: "hey lads, we were gonna have lunch in the dressing room. they brought subway for everyone"

Liam went to get up

Liam: "you coming haz?"

Harry: "yeah I'll be in...just uh, give me a minute."

Liam patted Harry on the back and walked inside

Outside, Harry left the stairs and walked to the tour bus. The driver asked why he was back and he said he'd forgotten his phone, although he didn't.

Harry went to the back of the bus, into the bathroom and pulled out the razor. He knew the boys would be pissed at him, but it was the only way to relieve the panic that was inside of him.

He turned around to lock the door and slid the razor across his skin. He knew what he was doing was bad. But he couldn't stop.
In the dressing room

Liam and Niall walked in without Harry.

Zayn looked upset and walked over to Liam and pulled him aside.

Zayn: "where's Harry at?"

Liam: "he said he'd be in soon, he needed air"

Zayn: "fuck...you didn't actually leave him out there did you?"

Liam: "he told me to..."

Zayn: "he can't be alone li"

Liam: "zayn that's your problem...you've been avoiding him all day bro. he needs you."

Zayn: "I-Im pissed"

Liam: "he needs to know that...and why"

Zayn: "because I hate all the "Larry" shit, and when I walked in on him hugging Louis I saw red. It pissed me off. Like that's my baby he's hugging."

Liam: "and that's exactly what you need to tell Harry."
Back on the bus

Harry wiped his bleeding skin and covered it with his sleeve after the bleeding slowed.

He decided it was time to meet the boys inside and he moped off the bus.

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